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已有 1053 次阅读2008-2-18 10:41 |个人分类:VBA


Function CBToolbarShow(strCBarName As String, _

                        blnVisible As Boolean, _

                        Optional lngPosition As Long = msoBarTop) As Boolean

    ' This procedure displays or hides the command bar specified in the

    ' strCBarName argument according to the value of the blnVisible

    ' argument. The optional lngPosition argument specifies where the

    ' command bar will appear on the screen.

      Dim cbrCmdBar As CommandBar

    On Error GoTo CBToolbarShow_Err

     Set cbrCmdBar = Application.CommandBars(strCBarName)

    ' Show only toolbars.

    If cbrCmdBar.Type > msoBarTypeNormal Then

        CBToolbarShow = False

        Exit Function

    End If

    ' If Position argument is invalid, set to the default

    ' msoBarTop position.

    If lngPosition < msoBarLeft or lngPosition > msoBarMenuBar Then

        lngPosition = msoBarTop

    End If

   With cbrCmdBar

        .Visible = blnVisible

        .Position = lngPosition

    End With

   CBToolbarShow = True


    Exit Function


    CBToolbarShow = False

    Resume CBToolbarShow_End

End Function


Function CBMenuBarShow(strCBarName As String) As Boolean

' 本函数可以显示一个指定的菜单栏,如果指定的菜单栏不存在或者是非法的名称,将返回FALSE

   Dim cbrCBarMenu As CommandBar

     On Error GoTo CBMenuBarShow_Err

    Set cbrCBarMenu = Application.CommandBars(strCBarName)

    If cbrCBarMenu.Type <> msoBarTypeMenuBar Then

        CBMenuBarShow = False

        Exit Function

    End If

    With cbrCBarMenu

        .Visible = True

    End With

    CBMenuBarShow = True


    Exit Function


    CBMenuBarShow = False

    Resume CBMenuBarShow_End

End Function

调用方法:? CBMenuBarShow ("Menu Bar")’显示已被隐藏的主菜单。

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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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