(3) sizeof(wstr())总是返回0,估计是一个Null值。
#include once "afx/CWSTR.inc"
#include once "afx/afxStr.inc"
using afx '所有的afx库,都处在同一个命名空间afx里,FB的命名空间规则和c#/vb.net是一样的。
'我不喜欢using这个关键词,我更喜欢Imports,但没办法 import在FB很早以前就是一个关键字了。
Dim inNumeric As boolean=afxIsNumeric("-1395.43")
Dim As cwstr strLeft=afxstrClipLeft("这是一个Freebasic测试",9)
Dim As cwstr strMid=afxstrClipMid("这是一个Freebasic测试",4,5)
Dim As cwstr strRight=afxstrClipRight("这是一个Freebasic测试",2)
Dim As cwstr strCset=afxstrCset("单身狗",11,"*") '返回 ****单身狗****
Dim As cwstr strDelete=afxstrDelete("这是一个Freebasic测试",4,9)
Dim As cwstr strExtract=afxstrExtract(1,"谁是单身狗,不是单身猫","狗") '
Dim As cwstr strExtractAny=afxstrExtractAny(1,"谁是单身狗,不是单身猫","猫狗")
Dim As cwstr strInsert=afxstrInsert("01032547891","—",3) '从第三个位置之后插入子字符串
Dim cwsa As cwstrArray=cwstrArray(4,1) '建一个4行1列的数组
cwsa.Item(1) = "One"
cwsa.Item(2) = "Two"
cwsa.Item(3) = "Three"
DIM strJoinAS CWSTR = AfxStrJoin(cwsa, ",") '用法和vb的join一样
DIM strLset AS CWSTR = AfxStrLSet("FreeBasic", 20, "#")
DIM cws AS CWSTR = AfxStrParse("one,two,three", 2) ' Returns "two"
DIM cws AS CWSTR = AfxStrParseAny("1;2,3", 2, ",;") ' Returns "2"
DIM nCount AS LONG = AfxStrParseCount("one,two,three", ",") ' Returns 3
DIM nCount AS LONG = AfxStrParseCountAny("1;2,3", ",;") ' Returns 3
DIM cws AS CWSTR = AfxStrRemain("Brevity is the soul of wit", "is ") ' Returns "the soul of wit"
DIM cws AS CWSTR = AfxStrRemainAny("I think, therefore I am", ",") ' Returns "therefore I am"
DIM cws AS CWSTR = AfxStrRemove("[]Hello[]", "[]") ' Returns "Hello"
DIM cws AS CWSTR = AfxStrRemoveAny("abacadabra", "bac") ' Returns "dr"
DIM cws AS CWSTR = AfxStrReplace("Hello World", "World", "Earth") ' Returns "Hello Earth"
DIM cws AS CWSTR = AfxStrReplaceAny("abacadabra", "bac", "*") ' Returns "*****d**r*
DIM cws AS CWSTR = AfxStrRetain("abacadabra","b") ' Returns "bb"
DIM cws AS CWSTR = AfxStrRetainAny("1234567890<ak;lk;l>1234567890", "<;/p>") ' Returns "<;;>"
DIM cws AS CWSTR = AfxStrReverse("garden") ' Returns "nedrag"
DIM cws AS CWSTR = AfxStrRSet("FreeBasic", 20, "*")
DIM cws AS CWSTR = AfxStrShrink(",,, one , two three, four,", " ,")' Returns "one two three four"
DIM cws AS CWSTR = "- This, a sample string."
DIM cwsa AS CWstrArray = AfxStrSplit(cws, " ,.-")
FOR i AS LONG = cwsa.LBound TO cwsa.UBound
PRINT cwsa.Item(i)
DIM nCount AS LONG = AfxStrTally("abacadabra", "ab") ' Returns 2
DIM nCount AS LONG = AfxStrTallyAny("abacadabra", "bac") ' Returns 8
AfxStrUnWrap("<Paul>", "<", ">") results Paul
AfxStrUnWrap("'Paul'", "'") results Paul
DIM nCount AS LONG = AfxStrVerify(5, "123.65,22.5", "0123456789") ' Returns 7
'在字符串开头和结尾添加 成对的字符
AfxStrWrap('保罗',"<", ">")结果<保罗>
#include once "afx/Cwstr.inc"
using afx
Dim myBstr as CBSTR
用 Cbstr类,主要是为了能够自动释放vbstring指针。忘记释放bstr指针,是非常容易犯的错。所以一遇到任何传进来的bstr字符串
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