
标题: 恳请老鬼版主看看Excel连接表数据转移问题! [打印本页]

作者: wang1950317    时间: 2004-12-12 06:58
标题: 恳请老鬼版主看看Excel连接表数据转移问题!

作者: 老鬼    时间: 2004-12-12 08:28
作者: foxxp    时间: 2004-12-12 21:17




office2003下作的数据库,引用的内容是 : Microsoft Excel 11.0 Object Library

office2000中对应的内容好像应该是:Microsoft Excel 10.0 Object Library;

可以拉动滚动条找,找到Microsoft Excel 10.0 Object Library,在前面打勾即可,如果没有,就只好把office2000重新刷新一边,或者用office 2003了.
作者: 情比金坚    时间: 2004-12-12 21:39
以下是引用foxxp在2004-12-12 13:17:02的发言:

office2003下作的数据库,引用的内容是 : Microsoft Excel 11.0 Object Library

office2000中对应的内容好像应该是:Microsoft Excel 10.0 Object Library;

应该是:Microsoft Excel 9.0 Object Library
作者: foxxp    时间: 2004-12-12 21:51
我错了,office XP中的对应内容是10.0版
作者: wang1950317    时间: 2004-12-13 04:16
作者: wang1950317    时间: 2004-12-13 17:45
多谢楼上斑竹、专家的指教。office重装了一下,找到了Microsoft Excel 9.0 Object Library,数据可以转移了。谢谢各位。但是还是必须按两次Update钮才行,按第一次还是出现“运行时错误,‘1004’    ‘Range‘作用于对象‘-Application‘时失败”,不知是什么原因。
作者: foxxp    时间: 2004-12-13 19:46


Private Sub cmdUpdate_Click()

Dim xlsApp As Excel.Application

Dim xlsSheet As Excel.Worksheet

With Me.OLE未绑定20

    .Action = acOLEActivate

    .Verb = acOLEVerbOpen

End With

Set xlsApp = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")

Debug.Print xlsApp.Workbooks.Count

Set xlsSheet = xlsApp.Workbooks(xlsApp.Workbooks.Count).Worksheets(1)

xlsApp.Visible = True

On Error GoTo handle:

文本44 = xlsSheet.Range("C4").Text

文本47 = xlsSheet.Range("C5").Text

文本49 = xlsSheet.Range("C6").Text

文本51 = xlsSheet.Range("C7").Text

文本53 = xlsSheet.Range("C8").Text

文本55 = xlsSheet.Range("C9").Text

文本57 = xlsSheet.Range("C10").Text

xlsApp.Visible = False


Set xlsApp = Nothing

文本44.Value = 文本44

文本47.Value = 文本47

文本49.Value = 文本49

文本51.Value = 文本51

文本53.Value = 文本53

文本55.Value = 文本55

文本57.Value = 文本57

Exit Sub


   Call MsgBox("错误信息" & Err.Number & ":" & Err.Description, , "错误")

   Resume Next

End Sub
作者: wang1950317    时间: 2004-12-13 23:06
作者: 大熊    时间: 2004-12-14 06:12
Well done, Dear FOXAP, The main problem seems at the following sentence.You:Set xlsSheet = xlsApp.Workbooks(xlsApp.Workbooks.Count).Worksheets(1)文本44 = xlsSheet.Range("C4").TextMe文本44 = xlsApp.Range("C4").Text Can u give me the details of the difference? Mr.FoxXP?
作者: foxxp    时间: 2004-12-14 18:59
cause I found there were some sheets in OLE CALLING,see the code below


Debug.Print xlsApp.Workbooks.Count


the last one was the OLE OBJECT,others sheets were PERSONAL.XLS , XLA , XLL etc

but they were all unvisible 。

so i thought if this was the reason .

"All Were Unvisible " = "There Were No ActiveSheet" = "There Were No Current Sheet"

so we must gave the absolute reference of the sheet .

but i was puzzled why it was no error in the second try.

作者: foxxp    时间: 2004-12-14 19:05
cause I found there were some sheets in OLE CALLING,see the code below


Debug.Print xlsApp.Workbooks.Count


the last one was the OLE OBJECT,other sheets were PERSONAL.XLS , XLA , XLL etc

but they were all unvisible 。

so i thought if this was the reason .

"All Were Unvisible " = "There Were No ActiveSheet" = "There Were No Current Sheet"

so we must gave the absolute reference of the sheet .

but i was puzzled why it was no error in the second try.

作者: 大熊    时间: 2004-12-14 21:54
many tks. at least we know how to deal with it now.
作者: foxxp    时间: 2004-12-15 06:08
作者: 大熊    时间: 2004-12-16 17:02
No.I will often  make mistakes too. But My teacher tell me that making Mistakes is the necessary step to study a foreign language.[em04]

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