Option Explicit
Dim V() As Variant, ValArray() As Variant
Dim CellCount As Double
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim r As Integer, c As Integer
Dim Temp1 As Variant, Temp2 As Variant
Dim RCount As Integer, CCount As Integer
' Return an error if rng is too large
CellCount = rng.Count
If CellCount > 1000 Then
Exit Function
End If
' Assign variables
RCount = rng.Rows.Count
CCount = rng.Columns.Count
ReDim V(1 To RCount, 1 To CCount)
ReDim ValArray(1 To 2, 1 To CellCount)
For i = 1 To CellCount
ValArray(1, i) = Rnd
ValArray(2, i) = rng(i)
Next i
For i = 1 To CellCount
For j = i + 1 To CellCount
If ValArray(1, i) > ValArray(1, j) Then
Temp1 = ValArray(1, j)
Temp2 = ValArray(2, j)
ValArray(1, j) = ValArray(1, i)
ValArray(2, j) = ValArray(2, i)
ValArray(1, i) = Temp1
ValArray(2, i) = Temp2
End If
Next j
Next i
i = 0
For r = 1 To RCount
For c = 1 To CCount
i = i + 1
V(r, c) = ValArray(2, i)
Next c
Next r
End Function