Converts a value to text in a specific number format.
Value is a numeric value, a formula that evaluates to a numeric value, or a reference to a cell containing a numeric value.
Format_text is a numeric format as a text string enclosed in quotation marks. You can see various numeric formats by clicking the Number, Date, Time, Currency, or Custom in the Category box of the Number tab in the Format Cells dialog box, and then viewing the formats displayed.
Format_text cannot contain an asterisk (*).
Formatting a cell with an option on the Number tab (Cells command, Format menu) changes only the format, not the value. Using the TEXT function converts a value to formatted text, and the result is no longer calculated as a number.
1 Salesperson Sales
2 Buchanan 2800
3 Dodsworth 40%
Formula Description (Result)
=A2&" sold "&TEXT(B2, "$0.00")&" worth of units." Combines contents above into a phrase (Buchanan sold $2800.00 worth of units.)
=A3&" sold "&TEXT(B3,"0%")&" of the total sales." Combines contents above into a phrase (Dodsworth sold 40% of the total sales.)
这样看起来,这个函数似乎没有什么用处。其实不然,这个函数的用处可大着呢,相当于好多个函数的集成,不信,请COPY下面的实例 我用的是英文的OFFICE2003,暂不肯定中文的是否能行)
公式 值
=TEXT("2006-7-31","DD") 31
=TEXT("2006-7-31","DDD") MON
=TEXT("2006-7-31","DDDD") Mondy
=TEXT("2006-7-31","YY") 06
=TEXT("2006-7-31","YYYY") 2006
=TEXT("2006-7-31","MM") 07
=TEXT("2006-7-31","MMM") Jul
=TEXT("2006-7-31","MMMM") July
="Sheet printed on" & TEXT(NOW(),"MMMM DD, YYYY at H:MM AM/PM") Sheet printed on August 02, 2006 at 1:47 PM
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-8-2 15:24:32编辑过]