See AlsoApplies ToExampleSpecificsSends the workbook by using the installed mail system.
expression.SendMail(Recipients, Subject, ReturnReceipt)
expression Required. An expression that returns a Workbook object.
Recipients Required Variant. Specifies the name of the recipient as text, or as an array of text strings if there are multiple recipients. At least one recipient must be specified, and all recipients are added as To recipients.
Subject Optional Variant. Specifies the subject of the message. If this argument is omitted, the document name is used.
ReturnReceipt Optional Variant. True to request a return receipt. False to not request a return receipt. The default value is False.
This example sends the active workbook to a single recipient.
ActiveWorkbook.SendMail recipients:="Jean Selva"
SendForReview Method
Sends a workbook in an e-mail message for review to the specified recipients.
expression Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.
Recipients Optional Variant. A string that lists the people to whom to send the message. These can be unresolved names and aliases in an e-mail phone book or full e-mail addresses. Separate multiple recipients with a semicolon (;). If left blank and ShowMessage is False, you will receive an error message, and the message will not be sent.
Subject Optional Variant. A string for the subject of the message. If left blank, the subject will be: Please review "filename ".
ShowMessage Optional Variant. A Boolean value that indicates whether the message should be displayed when the method is executed. The default value is True. If set to False, the message is automatically sent to the recipients without first showing the message to the sender.
IncludeAttachment Optional Variant. A Boolean value that indicates whether the message should include an attachment or a link to a server location. The default value is True. If set to False, the document must be stored at a shared location.
The SendForReview method starts a collaborative review cycle. Use the EndReview method to end a review cycle.
This example automatically sends the active workbook as an attachment in an e-mail message to the specified recipients.
Provides access to functionality that lets you send documents as emails directly from Microsoft Office applications.
Using the MsoEnvelope object
Use the MailEnvelope property of the Document object, Chart object or Worksheet object (depending on the application you are using) to return a MsoEnvelope object.
The following example sends the active Microsoft Word document as an e-mail to the e-mail address that you pass to the subroutine.
Sub SendMail(ByVal strRecipient As String)
'Use a With...End With block to reference the MsoEnvelope object.
With Application.ActiveDocument.MailEnvelope
'Add some introductory text before the body of the e-mail.
.Introduction = "lease read this and send me your comments."
'Return a Microsoft Outlook MailItem object that
'you can use to send the document.
With .Item
'All of the mail item settings are saved with the document.
'When you add a recipient to the Recipients collectio作者: laotang 时间: 2006-9-9 03:19
The SendForReview method 这可能是我要的回去试试,谢谢!