Function Get_China(ByVal m As Currency) As String
Dim temp As String
Dim mm As String
Dim kd, i As Integer
i = 0
mm = Str(Round(m * 100))
kd = Len(mm)
If Right(mm, 2) = "00" Then
temp = "整"
temp = Nz("")
End If
For i = 0 To kd - 2 Step 1
If Mid(mm, kd - i, 1) = "0" Then
If (i = 1) And (Left(temp, 1) <> "整") Then temp = "零" & temp
If (i > 2 And i <> 10) And (Left(temp, 1) <> "零" And Left(temp, 1) <> "元" And Left(temp, 1) <> "万" And Left(temp, 1) <> "亿") Then temp = "零" & temp
If i = 2 Then temp = "元" & temp
If (i = 6 And kd < 11) Then temp = "万" & temp '2003,7,28修改过
If kd >= 11 Then
If (i = 6 And Mid(mm, kd - 9, 3) <> "000") Then temp = "万" & temp '2003,7,28增加
End If
If i = 10 Then temp = "亿" & temp '2003,7,28增加
'If i = 10 And Left(temp, 2) = "万元" Then temp = "亿" & Right(temp, Len(temp) - 1)'2003,7,28修改过
temp = Nz("") & temp
If num_to_china(i) = "亿" And Left(temp, 2) = "万元" Then
'temp = Num_To_Chinese(Mid(mm, kd - i, 1)) & num_to_china(i) & Right(temp, Len(temp) - 1)'2003,7,28修改过
temp = Num_To_Chinese(Mid(mm, kd - i, 1)) & num_to_china(i) & temp
End If
End If
Get_China = temp
End Function
Function Get_xx(ByVal m As Currency) As String
Dim temp As String
Dim mm As String
Dim kd, i As Integer
i = 0
mm = Str(Round(m * 100))
kd = Len(mm)
temp = Nz("")
For i = 0 To kd - 2 Step 1
temp = Mid(mm, kd - i, 1) & " " & temp
Get_xx = temp
End Function