这个怎么做,有人会吗?作者: beenet 时间: 2010-4-14 15:10
dim StrSQL as string
StrSQL="select... " & "条件1" & "条件2” & "from..."
docmd.runsql strsql作者: michael100 时间: 2010-4-14 15:53
strWhereForm = "" '设定初始值-空字符串
If Not IsNull(Me.客户简称) Then
strWhereForm = strWhereForm & "( 客户简称 = '" & Me.客户简称 & "') AND "
End If
If Not IsNull(Me.客户款号) Then
strWhereForm = strWhereForm & "( 客户款号 = '" & Me.客户款号 & "') AND "
End If
If Not IsNull(Me.公司款号) Then
strWhereForm = strWhereForm & "( 公司款号 = '" & Me.公司款号 & "') AND "
End If
If Not IsNull(Me.订单号码) Then
strWhereForm = strWhereForm & "( 单据号码 = '" & Me.订单号码 & "') AND "
End If
If Not IsNull(Me.制单号码) Then
strWhereForm = strWhereForm & "( 辅助单据 = '" & Me.制单号码 & "') AND "
End If
' If Not IsNull(Me.码数) Then
' strWhereForm = strWhereForm & "( 码数 = " & Me.码数 & ") AND "
' End If
If Not IsNull(Me.[起始日期]) Then
strWhereForm = strWhereForm & "( 日期 >= #" & Me.起始日期 & "# ) AND "
End If
If Not IsNull(Me.[结束日期]) Then
strWhereForm = strWhereForm & "( 日期 <= #" & Me.结束日期 & "# ) AND "
End If
If Len(strWhereForm) > 0 Then
strWhereForm = Left(strWhereForm, Len(strWhereForm) - 5)
End If
Me.窗体1.Form.Filter = strWhereForm
Me.窗体1.Form.FilterOn = True作者: cangqiong 时间: 2010-4-14 16:04