深感纳闷,那位高手帮忙? 作者: zhuyiwen 时间: 2002-5-15 03:40
是升迁吗?升迁时有些对象是升迁不了的,具体请查帮助。作者: chenwintek 时间: 2002-5-16 00:31
升来升去,我最后选择的是"推倒重来",只是把表DTS过去,代码再修改一下,简单,快.作者: rld000 时间: 2003-9-18 23:25
err numbur of 7874 means:
'l' could not be imported or outpoted or copied to another database or project caused by :1)wrong spelling,pls check if missing the uderscore(_) or other symbols,be sure there is no space before the name 2) you are tring to open the linked tables but the file including the table doesn't exist in your assigned path