Function GetP(A As Date) As String
Dim Re As String
If A >= CDate("2011-10-1") And A <= CDate("2011-10-22") Then
Re = "2012_P1"
其中("2011-10-1") 为表1的字段值;("2011-10-22") 为表1的字段值
todaynew 老师已经解决了,代码如下:
Function GetP(A As Date) As String
Dim rst, rstItems As DAO.Recordset
Dim n As Integer
Set rstItems = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Calendar", dbOpenDynaset)
Dim Re As String
If A >= CDate("2011-10-1") And A <= CDate("2011-10-21") Then
Re = "2012_P1"
A = Naturally_Date
End If
yanwei82123300 发表于 2011-8-26 16:12
todaynew 老师已经解决了,代码如下:
Function GetP(A As Date) As String
Dim rst, rstItems As DAO.Re ...
Function GetP(A As Date) As String
Dim Re As String
If A >= CDate("2011-10-1") And A <= CDate("2011-10-21") Then
Re = "2012_P1"
End If
GetP = Re
End Function