大礼相送,源码共享:XP网络 的通用鼠标移动函数
'-函数名称: gt_MouseMove
'-功能描述: 设置XP风格的通用鼠标移动事件
'-输入参数说明: 参数1:rstrCtrName String 控件名称
' 参数2:rstrFrmName String 窗体名称
'-返回参数说明: 无
'-使用语法示例: gt_MouseMove "cmdSave","frmMainMenu"
'-使用注意: 只适用Label TextBox CommandButton ComboBox OptionButton CheckBox
'-兼容性: 97,2000,XP compatible
'-作者: 王宇虹,改进:王宇虹
'-更新日期: 2012-04-01
Public Function gt_MouseMove(rstrCtrName As String, rstrFrmName As String, rstrPFrmName As String)
On Error Resume Next
' Exit Function '此鼠标移动事件会导致前面死机,非法退出,注意查看原因 现暂时屏蔽
Static ctrLast As Control
Static lngLastBorderColor As Long
Static lngLastForeColor As Long
Static intLastSpecialEffect As Integer
Dim strCtrNameLast As String '变量 用来保存最近一次移动过的控件名称
Dim ctr As Control '临时变量 用来定义当前控件和最近一次移动过的控件
Dim frm As Form '临时变量 用来定义当前的窗体
Dim ctrVisible As Control
On Error Resume Next
'Debug.Print "ctrlast" & ctrLast.Name
If rstrPFrmName = "" Then
Set frm = Forms(rstrFrmName)
Set frm = Forms(rstrPFrmName).Controls(rstrFrmName).Form
If Err <> 0 Then
Set frm = Forms(rstrPFrmName).Controls("sfmSubForm").Form
End If
End If
If rstrCtrName = "XPsection" Then
If (TypeOf ctrLast Is CommandButton) Then
If ctrLast.Controls.Count > 0 Then
Set ctrVisible = ctrLast.Controls(0)
Set ctrVisible = ctrLast
End If
Set ctrVisible = ctrLast
End If
With ctrVisible
' .BorderColor = 9868950
' Debug.Print ctrVisible.Name
.BorderColor = lngLastBorderColor
If (TypeOf ctrVisible Is Label) And (Val(CurrentProject.Properties("FBtnUseSpecialEffect")) <> 0) Then
.SpecialEffect = intLastSpecialEffect
End If
'Val (CurrentProject.Properties("FBtnMouseMoveBorderColor"))
If left(.Tag, 5) <> "XPbar" Then
.BackStyle = 0
.BackColor = 12632256
End If
'.ForeColor = vbBlack
.FontBold = 0
' .FontSize = 9
If left(.Tag, 6) = "XPmenu" Then '如果是菜单和工具栏,鼠标离开后不显示边框
.BorderStyle = 0
End If
End With
Set ctrLast = Nothing
Exit Function
End If
Set ctr = frm.Controls(rstrCtrName)
If ctr.Tag = "XPdisable" Then
' CTR.ForeColor = RGB(192, 192, 192)
ctr.OnClick = ""
' CTR.BorderStyle = 0
' CTR.BackStyle = 0
Exit Function
End If
If (TypeOf ctr Is OptionButton) Or (TypeOf ctr Is CheckBox) Then
If ctr.Controls.Count > 0 Then
rstrCtrName = ctr.Controls(0).Name
Set ctr = ctr.Controls(0)
End If
End If
strCtrNameLast = Nz(ctrLast.Name)
If Nz(strCtrNameLast) <> "" Then
' Set ctrLast = frm.Controls(strCtrNameLast)
End If
If left(ctr.Tag, 2) = "XP" Then '只对标记为XP的按钮起作用
If rstrCtrName <> Nz(strCtrNameLast) Then '如果鼠标还在同一个按钮上, 则跳过程序
If (ctrLast Is Nothing) Then
' MsgBox "dd"
If (ctrLast.FontBold = 1 Or ctrVisible.FontBold = 1) And left(ctrLast.Tag, 6) <> "XPhide" Then '设置最后一次的控件的背景透明及字体变细
If (TypeOf ctrLast Is CommandButton) Then
If ctrLast.Controls.Count > 0 Then
Set ctrVisible = ctrLast.Controls(0)
Set ctrVisible = ctrLast
End If
Set ctrVisible = ctrLast
End If
With ctrVisible
'.BorderColor = 9868950
.BorderColor = lngLastBorderColor
If (TypeOf ctrVisible Is Label) And (Val(CurrentProject.Properties("FBtnUseSpecialEffect")) <> 0) Then
.SpecialEffect = intLastSpecialEffect
End If
If left(.Tag, 5) <> "XPbar" Then
.BackStyle = 0
.BackColor = 12632256
End If
'.ForeColor = vbBlack
.FontBold = 0
' .FontSize = 9
If left(.Tag, 6) = "XPmenu" Then '如果是菜单和工具栏,鼠标离开后不显示边框
.BorderStyle = 0
End If
End With
End If
End If
If ctr.FontBold <> 1 And left(ctr.Tag, 6) <> "XPhide" Then '设置鼠标当前所在的控件的背景颜色及字体变粗
If (TypeOf ctr Is CommandButton) Then
If ctr.Controls.Count > 0 Then
Set ctrVisible = ctr.Controls(0)
Set ctrVisible = ctr
End If
Set ctrVisible = ctr
End If
With ctrVisible
If .ForeColor = RGB(192, 192, 192) Then
.ForeColor = lngLastForeColor
.OnClick = "[Event Procedure]"
End If
lngLastBorderColor = .BorderColor
intLastSpecialEffect = .SpecialEffect
lngLastForeColor = .ForeColor
' If TypeOf ctr Is Label Then
' Debug.Print lngLastBorderColor
' End If
If left(.Tag, 5) <> "XPbar" Then
.BackStyle = 1
End If
'.BackColor = 15584719
.BackColor = Val(CurrentProject.Properties("FBtnMouseMoveBackColor"))
' .BorderColor = 8388608
.BorderColor = Val(CurrentProject.Properties("FBtnMouseMoveBorderColor"))
If (TypeOf ctrVisible Is Label) And (Val(CurrentProject.Properties("FBtnUseSpecialEffect")) <> 0) Then
.SpecialEffect = Val(CurrentProject.Properties("FBtnMouseMoveSpecialEffect"))
End If
'.ForeColor = vbBlack
.FontBold = 1
' .FontSize = 9
If left(.Tag, 6) = "XPmenu" Then '如果是菜单和工具栏,鼠标在其上显示边框
.BorderStyle = 1
End If
End With
End If
Set ctrLast = ctr
End If
End If
End Function |