一. 导出到PNG文件格式
Public Function savePict(pImage As Access.Image)
Dim fname As String 'The name of the file to save the picture to
fname = Environ("Temp") + "\temp.png" ' Destination file path
Dim iFileNum As Double
iFileNum = FreeFile 'The next free file from the file system
Dim pngImage As String 'Stores the image data as a string
pngImage = StrConv(pImage.PictureData, vbUnicode) 'Convert the byte array to a string
'Writes the string to the file
Open fname For Binary Access Write As iFileNum
Put #iFileNum, , pngImage
Close #iFileNum
End Function
二.导出到 EMF文件格式
Public Function savePict(pImage As Access.Image)
Dim fname As String 'The name of the file to save the picture to
Dim iFileNum As Double
Dim bArray() As Byte, cArray() As Byte
Dim lngRet As Long
fname = Environ("Temp") + "\temp.emf" ' Destination file path
iFileNum = FreeFile 'The next free file from the file system
' Resize to hold entire PictureData prop
ReDim bArray(LenB(pImage.PictureData) - 1)
' Resize to hold the EMF wrapped in the PictureData prop
ReDim cArray(LenB(pImage.PictureData) - (1 + 8))
' Copy to our array
bArray = pImage.PictureData
For lngRet = 8 To UBound(cArray)
cArray(lngRet - 8) = bArray(lngRet)
Open fname For Binary Access Write As iFileNum
'Write the byte array to the file
Put #iFileNum, , cArray
Close #iFileNum
End Function