今天,总算把这个文章囫囵吞枣看完了。其中一点不知怎样做:就是我的工作组文件坏了,我想重建工作组文件,当然我在建工作组知道原来的用户名,组名和PID,这时应该怎么做呢?下面是它的英文件原文,但没讲具体的操作步骤。(If you have kept the user names, group names, and PIDs for your System.mda workgroup file, you can re-create this file from scratch. If you do so exactly, you can then use this re-created workgroup file to regain full access to your MDB file. Even if you can't re-create all the users, if you can either re-create the owner of the database or the Admins group and create a member of Admins, then you can use that user to log on, de-secure your database (see Section 9) and then re-secure it.我想知道具体步骤。那么做个这个的,能不能讲一下。因为这太重要了,谁没个闪失。