有意者请直接与刘生联系:0757-26827539 13902561495
We provide end-to-end infrastructure for both live, on-demand and conference over wire line and wireless networks.<B >
Work Location:
Start work immediately or in 2 to 3 weeks.
(1) VB 6.0, XML, COM (2 positions) CODE: ACL01
Knowing one or more following is plus
TCP, Browser control, Windows media encoder
(2) VBA, XML, COM (1 position) CODE: ACL02
Knowing one or more following is plus
Windows media encoder or HTTP Upload is plus
(3) ASP, VB 6.0, XML, IIS and WMS (1 position) CODE: ACL03
Knowing one or more following is plus
Install Shield, domain groups, NT authentication , HTTP upload
(4) C-Pointers, structures, linked-list, C++ and VC++ (1 position) CODE: ACL04
Knowing one or more following is plus
Direct show, Windows media encoder, Winsock and network
(5) Application sharing, VC++, Encoder/Decoder, and UDP/TCP (1 position) CODE: ACL05
Knowing one or more following is plus
Work experience on Audio/Video Internet conference , Direct show
For all above positions 3+ years experience is must
For all above positions knowing .NET is plus.
Preferably good IT education qualifications, not must.
要求能够说英语,工资每月1.2-1.6万元人民币. |