Dim x() As Long
Dim p As Integer
Dim MaxX As Long
Dim MaxBound As Integer
Dim LastRptName As String
Dim LastSection As AcSection
Public OutWidth As Integer
Public InWidth As Integer
'在报表中要画线的段的print事件 调用此参数
Public Sub DrawGrid(rpt As Report, DrawSection As AcSection, Optional DrawLR As Boolean = True, Optional DrawTop As Boolean = False, Optional DrawBottom As Boolean = False)
' If LastRptName <> rpt.Name Or LastSection <> DrawSection Then
'LastRptName = rpt.Name
'LastSection = DrawSection
p = 0: MaxX = 0
For i = 1 To MaxBound
Set Ctl = rpt.Section(DrawSection).Controls(i - 1)
x(i) = Ctl.Left + Ctl.Width
If x(i) > MaxX Then MaxX = x(i): p = i
Next i
'End If
rpt.DrawWidth = InWidth
For i = 1 To MaxBound
If i <> p Then rpt.Line (x(i), 0)-(x(i), rpt.Height), RGB(0, 0, 160)
Next i
rpt.DrawWidth = OutWidth
If DrawLR Then
rpt.Line (0, 0)-(0, rpt.Height) '''画左线
rpt.Line (rpt.Width, 0)-(rpt.Width, rpt.Height) ''画右线
End If
If DrawTop Then rpt.Line (0, 0)-(rpt.Width, 0) '''画上线
If DrawBottom = False Then rpt.DrawWidth = InWidth
rpt.Line (0, rpt.Height)-(rpt.Width, rpt.Height)