ProgressLine flxgrd, vPath & "PurpleLine.bmp", vBeginDate, RST!StartDate, RST!EndDate 'draw line on grid (if any)
mRowCount = mRowCount + 1 'inc Row counter
flxgrd.Col = 1 'set Col No for +/-/x sign
If DCount("ID", "tblProjectTasks", "ProjectID = " & RST!ProjectID) > 0 Then 'if this Project has 1 or more Task records then
If InStr(1, mExpand, "." & RST!ProjectID & ".") > 0 Then 'if this .ProjectID. is in expand string then
Set flxgrd.CellPicture = LoadPicture(vPath & "Minus Sign.bmp") 'copy - image to Project rows (Col 1)
ShowTasks flxgrd, RST!ProjectID, vPath, vBeginDate 'show Tasks for this Project
Set flxgrd.CellPicture = LoadPicture(vPath & "Plus Sign.bmp") 'copy + image to Project rows (Col 1)
End If
Set flxgrd.CellPicture = LoadPicture(vPath & "Cross Sign.bmp") 'copy x image to Project row if no Tasks data
End If
RST.MoveNext 'move to next Order record
Set RST = Nothing作者: tz-chf 时间: 2010-3-4 15:24
我的比较简单,固定49行。你还要图片什么,可能是慢点。一下出3000条数据,出这么多干什么,也看不过来啊。作者: andymark 时间: 2010-3-4 15:44
DCOUNT 数据量大会很慢的作者: zhengjialon 时间: 2010-3-4 15:46
主要是因为目前用户的习惯了ACCESS子窗体,拖动滚动条可以显示所有记录,因为要增加点击显示子窗体和图片等功能所以准备用MSF代替,现在最好是能找到和ACCESS子窗体一样的显示方式,实在不行只能像这个论坛的列表一样分页显示了作者: tz-chf 时间: 2010-3-4 17:39 本帖最后由 tz-chf 于 2010-3-4 17:41 编辑