楼主 |
发表于 2005-8-19 06:52:00
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Public Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
Public Sub BMP_Cut(ByRef imgSrc As Image, ByRef imgDest As Image, _
ByVal xDest As Long, ByVal yDest As Long, widthDest As Long, heightDest As Long)
Dim arrDest() As Byte, arrSrc() As Byte
Dim widthSrc As Long, heightSrc As Long
Dim scanLineDest As Long, scanLineSrc As Long
Dim biBitCount As Long, biClrUsed As Long, biSize As Long, biCompression As Long
arrSrc = imgSrc.PictureData
widthSrc = ReadBytes(arrSrc, 4, 4)
heightSrc = ReadBytes(arrSrc, 8, 4)
biBitCount = ReadBytes(arrSrc, 14, 2)
biClrUsed = ReadBytes(arrSrc, 32, 2)
biSize = ReadBytes(arrSrc, 0, 4)
biCompression = ReadBytes(arrSrc, 16, 4)
If biSize <> 40 Then
MsgBox "不支持非DIB格式,无法完成裁剪。"
Exit Sub
ElseIf biCompression <> 0 Then
MsgBox "不支持压缩格式或BMP 5.0格式,无法完成裁剪。"
Exit Sub
ElseIf xDest + widthDest > widthSrc Or yDest + heightDest > heightSrc Then
MsgBox "切割范围超出了图形边界,无法完成裁剪。"
End If
scanLineSrc = biBitCount * widthSrc
If scanLineSrc Mod 32 > 0 Then
scanLineSrc = Fix(scanLineSrc / 32) * 4 + 4
scanLineSrc = scanLineSrc / 8
End If
scanLineDest = biBitCount * widthDest
If scanLineDest Mod 32 > 0 Then
scanLineDest = Fix(scanLineDest / 32) * 4 + 4
scanLineDest = scanLineDest / 8
End If
ReDim arrDest(scanLineDest * heightDest + biSize + biClrUsed * 4 - 1)
CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(arrDest(0)), ByVal VarPtr(arrSrc(0)), biSize + biClrUsed * 4
WriteBytes arrDest, 4, widthDest, 4
WriteBytes arrDest, 8, heightDest, 4
WriteBytes arrDest, 20, scanLineDest * heightDest, 4
Dim nY As Long
For nY = 0 To heightDest - 1
CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(arrDest(nY * scanLineDest + biSize + biClrUsed * 4)), _
ByVal VarPtr(arrSrc((yDest + nY) * scanLineSrc + (xDest) * biBitCount / 8 + biSize + biClrUsed * 4)), scanLineDest
Next nY
imgDest.PictureData = arrDest
End Sub
Public Function Byt2Lng(ByRef arrData() As Byte, ByVal p As Long) As Long
CopyMemory VarPtr(Byt2Lng), VarPtr(arrData(p)), 4
End Function
Public Function Byt2Int(ByRef arrData() As Byte, ByVal p As Long) As Integer
CopyMemory VarPtr(Byt2Int), VarPtr(arrData(p)), 2
End Function
Public Function ReadBytes(arrData() As Byte, p As Long, t As Integer) As Long
If t >= 1 And t <= 4 Then CopyMemory VarPtr(ReadBytes), VarPtr(arrData(p)), t
End Function
Public Sub WriteBytes(ByRef arrData() As Byte, p As Long, Value As Long, t As Integer)
If t >= 1 And t <= 4 Then CopyMemory VarPtr(arrData(p)), VarPtr(Value), t
End Sub
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-8-28 11:29:48编辑过]