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[推荐]一套administrate SQL7.0 的MCP考试习题

发表于 2002-5-25 23:32:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
<Question 1> You are developing a security strategy for a new
installation of SQL. You want to
minimize the administration required of login. What should you do?
a) Use Windows NT Authentication Add Windows NT accounts as SQL Server
b) Use Windows NT Authentication Add Windows NT groups as SQL Server
c) Use SQL Server Authentication Add SQL Server login for authorized
d) Use SQL Server Authentication. Add Windows NT accounts as SQL Server

Answer: B

<Question 2> Your domain has two SQL Server computers named SQL1 and
SQL2. Two related
databases are on SQL1 and SQL2. You have standard logins on both
servers. You are able to connect to both databases on both servers, and
you are able to execute queries on both databases
on both servers. You are attempting to execute a distributed query that
joins data on SQL2 to data
on SQL1. On SQL1, you add SQL2 as a linked server. However, when you try
to execute the distributed query on SQL1, you receive a message that
your login failed. What is the most likely
cause of the problem?
A. You did not execute the query on SQL2.
B. You did not map your login on SQL1 to your login on SQL2.
C. You did not use a Windows NT login for the distributed query.
D. You did not establish a direct connection to SQL2, so you are not
authenticated for the
distributed query.

Answer: B

<Question 3> A user who has a SQL Server login forgot his password. How
should you restore his ability to connect to SQL Server?
A. Drop and re-create both his Windows NT account and his SQL Server
login with a new password.
B. Drop and re-create only his SQL Server login with a new password.
C. Change his account password in Windows NT User Manager.
D. Change the password in the SQL Server Login properties dialog box.

Answer: D

<Question 4>You plan to give users in the Windows NT Sales group limited
access to the Sales and Inventory databases. All access for data
modifications and reporting will be through a Microsoft Excel
Application. How should you set up access for the Sales group in both
a) Create a single application role. Grant the Sales group permissions
on that role in each database.
b) Create an application role for each database. Grant the Sales group
permissions in each database.
c) Create a single application role, and grant it permissions in each
d) Create an application role in each database, and grant it the
appropriate permissions.

Answer: D

<Question 5> You want to increase security on the Finance Database so
that only members of the FINANCE group can run and execute applications.
You create a Test login that is not a member of the finance group but is
able to query and get results "finance.costs."
a) Disable the guest login
b) Deny permission for the Finance Db to all NT groups except the
Finance users
c) & d) not related
Answer: A

<Question 6> K and S have Win NT accounts but they are not members of
administrators. They need to access the Marketing database. You want to
identify actions of both. How?
a) Create seperate SQL logins with dbo permission.
b) Create seperate SQL logins and add logins to db_owner role in DB.
c) Add Win NT accounts to db_owner role.
d) Create SQL login account for K and add to dbo, add S's Win NT account
to db_owner role in

Answer: C

<Question 7> In order to tighten security on SQL Server, you remove the
Windows NT Administrators group from its default membership in the
sysadmin role. You create a local group
named SQLadmins and add it to the sysadmin role. You add your Windows NT
account to SQLadmins. Now, the SQLServerAgent service will not start and
your scheduled jobs will not run.
What is the most likely cause of the problem?
A. The SQLServerAgent service does not have the Windows NT
administrative privileges that are required in order for it to run.
B. The SQLServerAgent service does not have permission to connect to SQL
C. The SQLServerAgent service account does not have the right to log on
as a service.
D. T
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发表于 2002-5-26 03:19:00 | 只看该作者


发表于 2002-5-26 03:33:00 | 只看该作者

  随着信息技术的高速发展,数据库技术也越来越多的应用于社会生活的各个领域。随之而来的是一系列数据安全问题。Microsoft SQL Server是一种比较成熟的数据库管理系统,它的安全体制比较具有代表性,有助于我们对数据库安全的理解和应用。
  关键词:Microsoft SQL Server;安全;数据库


Microsoft SQL Server 安全性的研究     
1 引言
  Microsoft SQL Server 是微软公司于1997年开始推出的数据库管理系统。它主要以NT Server为运作平台。并以其强大,灵活,易于使用等优点雄居业界前列。
  对于数据库管理系统来说,安全性一直是评价其设计好坏的重要因素。一个系统是否安全可靠,也是用户选择数据库管理系统时首先考虑的因素。因此,本文就Microsoft SQL Server 在安全性方面的设计进行探讨。
  在访问Microsoft SQL Server的数据库之前,必须通过Microsoft SQL Server 的鉴别。任何未被授权的访问企图都会被系统拒之门外。同时,Microsoft SQL Server安全机制 还担负着保护不同用户的信息不被彼此访问到的任务。Microsoft SQL Server 的安全性是通过层层关卡来实现的。
  同其他数据库管理系统相比,Microsoft SQL Server 安全性存在以下特点:
  (1) 同Windows NT Server紧密连接。由于Microsoft SQL Server 从一开始就是为Windows NT设计的,因此,Microsoft SQL Server 天生就同NT Server有紧密关系。这一特点使得Microsoft SQL Server 在NT Server下能最大程度地发挥它的性能,并能利用NT Server的安全机制为自己服务。但这并不能成为Microsoft SQL Server 的缺点,相反,Microsoft SQL Server 也提供了同其他操作系统及数据库管理系统的接口。
  (2) 全方位多层次的鉴别机制。从进入NT Server开始,到用户能访问数据库中的对象为止,Microsoft SQL Server 提供了一系列的措施保护用户信息的安全。
  icrosoft SQL Server 的安全性是非常牢靠的,任何用户企图访问数据库中的数据之前,必须要通过4道关卡,图1示出了这4道关卡的关系。

2 Microsoft SQL Server 安全体系详解

2.1 进入Microsoft SQL Server服务器
  此时用户必须具备一个有效的帐户,至于如何确认帐户要取决于Microsoft SQL Server的设置。Microsoft SQL Server有2种鉴别模式:Windows NT鉴别和Microsoft SQL Server鉴别。在Windows NT鉴别下,Microsoft SQL Server将用户的NT帐号同它自己设置的有效帐号列表进行比较,若找到此帐号,则允许进入。此时用户鉴别实际上由NT完成,用户无须输入密码。由于NT的安全性达到C2级标准,有安全确认,口令加密,口令有效期保护,非法登录时帐号锁定等功能,因此Windows NT鉴别具有较高的安全性。当不能使用NT鉴别时,用Microsoft SQL Server鉴别。此时的安全完全由Microsoft SQL Server自己保证,因而安全性不如NT 鉴别高。
  2种鉴别方法给用户提供了选择的余地。当通过NT网络访问Microsoft SQL Server时,可设置NT鉴别来加强安全性;当通过异种网络访问Microsoft SQL Server时,只有选择Microsoft SQL Server鉴别。 相应于2种鉴别模式存在2种安全模式:Windows NT鉴别安全模式和Microsoft SQL Server混合鉴别安全模式。前者只能使用NT鉴别,后者既可用NT鉴别,也可用Microsoft SQL Server鉴别。         

2.2访问Microsoft SQL Server数据库
  一般来说,访问Microsoft SQL Server数据库需经过以下3个步骤:
  2.2.1在Microsoft SQL Server服务器上建立服务器登录标识。
  访问数据库之前必须首先登录到Microsoft SQL Server服务器上。也就是说,首先在Microsoft SQL Server服务器上为用户创建一个登录标识,并在必要时设立一个密码(取决于Microsoft SQL Server服务器的鉴别方法)。用户通过这一登录标识及密码进入Microsoft SQL Server服务器。

  拥有服务器登录标识并不意味着能访问到Microsoft SQL Server服务器里的数据库。通常,一个Microsoft SQL Server服务器管理着数个相互独立的Microsoft SQL Server数据库。在访问某个Microsoft SQL Server数据库前必须拥有该数据库的用户帐号(通常,该用户帐号同服务器登录标识是一样的,但Microsoft SQL Server并不要求两者必须一样)。用户帐号保存在Microsoft SQL Server数据库的系统表中,当访问数据库的请求发生时,Microsoft SQL Server将用户帐号同系统表中保存的用户帐号比较,若符合则允许访问数据库,否则拒绝用户的访问请求。
  至此,用户还不能对Microsoft SQL Server数据库执行操作,因为此时用户还不具有访问权限。在谈到访问权限之前,先介绍一下Microsoft SQL Server中角色的概念。角色是数据库访问权限的管理单位,其成员继承角色的访问权限。角色共分2种:服务
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