http://www.access-programmers.co ... 31&d=1218830798
http://www.access-programmers.co ... 35&d=1218833184
This is an demo showing how to use .NET libraries to extend Access's functionality.
This was written with Access 2003, Visual Basic Express Studio 2005 (free) using Microsoft .NET framework 2.0.
The demo references a C# library IntX, which is an arbitrary precision library enabling operations on large numbers without limitations imposed by Long Integer or even 64-bit BIGINT (the only limitation is availability of computer's resource), and how it can be implemented within Access to enable saving and managing large numbers.
I've also included a .PPT which was used to showcase the demo as well as README to help people get a hang of it.
This is not the only way to do it, but hopefully the most simple way to implement such functionality.
To get the sample working, you need to put it to C:\ directory as the library's path is hardwired.
Also, you need to have 2.0 framework installed and register the library. To register, use the Command Prompt:
cd C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727
regasm "C:\NET2Access Demo\IntX VB\BigIntX.dll" /tlb: "C:\NET2Access Demo\IntX VB\BigIntX.tlb" /codebaseYou can download framework 2.0 from MSDN for free as well.
If you are having problem with long names, verify that you are using cmd.exe, not COMMAND.COM (which is just present in Windows XP for backward compatibility). Alternatively, use this instead:
regasm C:\NET2Ac~1\IntXVB~1\BigIntX.dll /tlb: C:\NET2Ac~1\IntXVB~1 |