yhat(Y, X, XNew, CI, alpha) 其中,Y是依变量的数据, X为自变量的数据,可以有多列组成, XNew为用来预测依变量的自变量取值, CI为布尔型变量,决定是否计算依变量的置信区间,默认值是true, alpha为统计检验的概率水平,默认值为0.05。
Option Explicit
Option Base 1
Function yhat(y, X, XNew, Optional CI As Boolean = True, Optional alpha As Single = 0.05)
' this function can be called from worksheet
' Y - the dependent variable
' X - the independent variable
' XNew - the x values for estiamting y values
' CI - a boolean variable, true for calculating confidence interval of Y
' alpha - a single real, defaut value is 0.05, for T test
' Output
' if calculate the confidence interval, it is a n-by-3 matrix
' first column is y hat values
' second column is the lower CI
' third column is the upper CI
' otherwise it is n row vector including yhat values
Dim YPred, m, b, n, df, sres, sxx, xbar, t, i, temp
With WorksheetFunction
m = .Index(.LinEst(y, X, True, True), 1, 1)
b = .Index(.LinEst(y, X, True, True), 1, 2)
n = .Count(X)
df = .Index(.LinEst(y, X, True, True), 4, 2)
sres = .Index(.LinEst(y, X, True, True), 3, 2)
sxx = .DevSq(X)
xbar = .Average(X)
t = .TInv(alpha, df)
End With
n = WorksheetFunction.Count(XNew)
If CI Then
ReDim YPred(n, 3)
For i = 1 To n
YPred(i, 1) = m * XNew(i) + b
temp = t * sres * Sqr(1 / n + (XNew(i) - xbar) ^ 2 / sxx)
YPred(i, 2) = YPred(i, 1) + temp
YPred(i, 3) = YPred(i, 1) - temp
Next i
ReDim YPred(n)
For i = 1 To n
YPred(i) = m * XNew(i) + b
Next i
End If
yhat = YPred
End Function