返回一个 Boolean 值,表明当前数据库是否包含任何对数据库或类型库的损坏的引用。如果为 True,则有损坏的引用。只读。
expression 必需。返回“应用于”列表中的一个对象的表达式。
若要试用特定引用的有效性,请使用 Reference 对象的 IsBroken 属性。
' Looping variable.
Dim refLoop As Reference
' Output variable.
Dim strReport As String
' Test whether there are broken references.
If Application.BrokenReference = True Then
strReport = "The following references are broken:" & vbCr
' Test validity of each reference.
For Each refLoop In Application.References
If refLoop.IsBroken = True Then
strReport = strReport & " " & refLoop.Name & vbCr
End If
Next refLoop
strReport = "All references in the current database are valid."
End If
' Display results.
MsgBox strReport