本帖最后由 盗梦 于 2015-4-16 21:39 编辑
想在VBA中实现定时器,当然Access中有窗体的Timer事件,不过在Excel或word ppt则没有这个事件。以下方法可弥补这个缺陷
搜索网上相关的知识点。找到 三种不使用API的VBA定时器
(1) 把下面代码拷入
Excel: ThisWorkBook中
Word: ThisDocument中
(2) 执行StartTimer宏开始定时器,将在调试窗口中每秒输出数字n
(3) 中止定时器EndTimer
- Option Explicit
- Private d As Object
- Private TimerId As Long
- Public Sub StartTimer()
- If TimerId <> 0& Then Exit Sub
- Set d = CreateObject("htmlfile")
- Set d.parentWindow.onhelp = Me
- TimerId = d.parentWindow.setInterval("onhelp.TimerProc", 1000&, "VBScript")
- Debug.Print "定时器开始(" & Hex(TimerId) & ")"
- End Sub
- Public Sub EndTimer()
- If TimerId = 0& Then Exit Sub
- Call d.parentWindow.clearInterval(TimerId)
- TimerId = 0& Set d = Nothing
- Debug.Print "定时器结束"
- End Sub
- '在下面CALLBACK过程中输入你自己的代码
- Public Sub TimerProc()
- Static n As Long
- n = n + 1
- Debug.Print n
- End Sub
- Private m_TimerId As Variant
- Private m_doc As Object
- Const ATTRNAME = "VBATimer"
- Public Sub StartTimer()
- Const Script = "document.documentElement.getAttribute('" & ATTRNAME & "').TimerProc()"
- EndTimer
- Set m_doc = CreateObject("htmlfile")
- m_doc.DocumentElement.setAttribute ATTRNAME, Me
- m_TimerId = m_doc.parentWindow.setInterval(Script, 1000)
- End Sub
- public Sub EndTimer()
- If m_doc Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
- If Not IsEmpty(m_TimerId) Then
- m_doc.parentWindow.clearInterval m_TimerId
- m_TimerId = Empty
- End If
- m_doc.DocumentElement.removeAttribute ATTRNAME
- Set m_doc = Nothing
- End Sub
- '在下面CALLBACK过程中输入你自己的代码
- Public Sub TimerProc()
- Static n As Long
- n = n + 1
- Debug.Print n
- End Sub
- Private m_TimerId As Variant
- Private m_doc As Object
- Private m_sc As Object
- Public Sub StartTimer()
- EndTimer
- Set m_doc = CreateObject("htmlfile")
- Set m_sc = CreateObject("ScriptControl")
- With m_sc
- .Language = "JScript"
- .AddObject "o", Me
- .AddCode "function f(){o.TimerProc()}"
- End With
- m_TimerId = m_doc.parentWindow.setInterval(m_sc.Eval("f"), 1000)
- End Sub
- public Sub EndTimer()
- If m_doc Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
- If Not IsEmpty(m_TimerId) Then
- m_doc.parentWindow.clearInterval m_TimerId
- m_TimerId = Empty
- End If
- Set m_sc = Nothing
- Set m_doc = Nothing
- End Sub
- '在下面CALLBACK过程中输入你自己的代码
- Public Sub TimerProc()
- Static n As Long
- n = n + 1
- Debug.Print n
- End Sub