网上抄了一个缩略图实现代码,但Access中没有PictureBox 控件,用Access下Image控件的,有些方法和属性不能用,求高手完善附件中的程序,模块代码如下:
- Option Compare Database
- Option Explicit
- '----------------------------------------------------------------------
- '----------------------------------------------------------------------
- '----------------使用者请保留作者版权----------------------------------
- '-- 作者:BEAR-BEN ---------------------------------------------------
- '-- QQ:453628001 ----------------------------------------------------
- '-- 天才动力 --- GENIUS POWER ---------------------------------------
- '-- WebSite:www.tcdongli.com ----------------------------------------
- '----------------------------------------------------------------------
- '----------------------------------------------------------------------
- '****************模块
- Public Type ImageInfo
- Height As Long
- Width As Long
- FilePath As String
- ImageName As String
- Type As String
- FileSize As Long 'KB
- End Type
- Private Type GdiplusStartupInput
- GdiplusVersion As Long
- DebugEventCallback As Long
- SuppressBackgroundThread As Long
- SuppressExternalCodecs As Long
- End Type
- Private Enum GpStatus 'Status
- Ok = 0
- GenericError = 1
- InvalidParameter = 2
- OutOfMemory = 3
- ObjectBusy = 4
- InsufficientBuffer = 5
- NotImplemented = 6
- Win32Error = 7
- WrongState = 8
- Aborted = 9
- FileNotFound = 10
- ValueOverflow = 11
- AccessDenied = 12
- UnknownImageFormat = 13
- FontFamilyNotFound = 14
- FontStyleNotFound = 15
- NotTrueTypeFont = 16
- UnsupportedGdiplusVersion = 17
- GdiplusNotInitialized = 18
- PropertyNotFound = 19
- PropertyNotSupported = 20
- End Enum
- Private Declare Function GdiplusStartup Lib "gdiplus" (token As Long, inputbuf As GdiplusStartupInput, Optional ByVal outputbuf As Long = 0) As GpStatus
- Private Declare Function GdiplusShutdown Lib "gdiplus" (ByVal token As Long) As GpStatus
- Private Declare Function GdipDrawImage Lib "gdiplus" (ByVal graphics As Long, ByVal Image As Long, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single) As GpStatus
- Private Declare Function GdipDrawImageRect Lib "gdiplus" (ByVal graphics As Long, ByVal Image As Long, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single, ByVal Width As Single, ByVal Height As Single) As GpStatus
- Private Declare Function GdipCreateFromHDC Lib "gdiplus" (ByVal hDC As Long, graphics As Long) As GpStatus
- Private Declare Function GdipDeleteGraphics Lib "gdiplus" (ByVal graphics As Long) As GpStatus
- Private Declare Function GdipLoadImageFromFile Lib "gdiplus" (ByVal filename As String, Image As Long) As GpStatus
- Private Declare Function GdipDisposeImage Lib "gdiplus" (ByVal Image As Long) As GpStatus
- Private Declare Function GdipGetImageWidth Lib "gdiplus" (ByVal Image As Long, Width As Long) As GpStatus
- Private Declare Function GdipGetImageHeight Lib "gdiplus" (ByVal Image As Long, Height As Long) As GpStatus
- Private Declare Function GdipDrawImageRectI Lib "gdiplus" (ByVal graphics As Long, ByVal Image As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal Width As Long, ByVal Height As Long) As GpStatus
- Dim gdip_Token As Long
- Dim gdip_Image As Long
- Dim gdip_Graphics As Long
- '-------------缩略图函数-----------
- Public Function ShowTNImg(PBox As Object, ImagePath As String, WMax As Long, HMax As Long) As ImageInfo
- 'WMax为最大宽度,HMax为最大高度,这段代码会根据最大宽度和高度调整图片大小。
- Dim Wid As Long, Hgt As Long, Top As Long, Left As Long
- LoadGDIP
- '
- '' If GdipCreateFromHDC(PBox.hDC, gdip_Graphics) <> 0 Then
- If GdipCreateFromHDC(PBox.Picture, gdip_Graphics) <> 0 Then
- MsgBox "出现错误!", vbCritical, "错误"
- GdiplusShutdown gdip_Token
- End
- End If
- '载入图片到内存中
- GdipLoadImageFromFile StrConv(ImagePath, vbUnicode), gdip_Image
- '获取图片长和宽
- GdipGetImageWidth gdip_Image, Wid
- GdipGetImageHeight gdip_Image, Hgt
- With ShowTNImg
- .Width = Wid
- .Height = Hgt
- .FilePath = ImagePath
- .FileSize = FileLen(ImagePath) / 1024
- .ImageName = Right(ImagePath, Len(ImagePath) - InStrRev(ImagePath, ""))
- .Type = Right(ImagePath, Len(ImagePath) - InStrRev(ImagePath, "."))
- End With
- '智能调整图片大小和留空处理,根据最长边调整
- If (Wid > WMax) Or (Hgt > HMax) Then
- If Wid > Hgt Then
- Hgt = Hgt / Wid * WMax
- Wid = WMax
- Top = (HMax - Hgt) / 2
- Else
- Wid = Wid / Hgt * HMax
- Hgt = HMax
- Left = (WMax - Wid) / 2
- End If
- Else
- Top = (HMax - Hgt) / 2
- Left = (WMax - Wid) / 2
- End If
- '使用GDI+直接从内存中缩略并绘图,GDI+有很好的抗锯齿能力
- If GdipDrawImageRect(gdip_Graphics, gdip_Image, Left, Top, Wid, Hgt) <> 1 Then Debug.Print "显示失败。。。"
- DisposeGDIP
- End Function
- '加载显示完整图片
- Public Sub ShowFullImg(PBox As Picture, ImagePath As String)
- LoadGDIP
- If GdipCreateFromHDC(PBox.hDC, gdip_Graphics) <> Ok Then
- MsgBox "出现错误!", vbCritical, "错误"
- GdiplusShutdown gdip_Token
- End
- End If
- GdipLoadImageFromFile StrConv(ImagePath, vbUnicode), gdip_Image
- If GdipDrawImage(gdip_Graphics, gdip_Image, 0, 0) <> Ok Then Debug.Print "显示失败。。。"
- DisposeGDIP
- End Sub
- Public Sub LoadGDIP()
- Dim GpInput As GdiplusStartupInput
- GpInput.GdiplusVersion = 1
- If GdiplusStartup(gdip_Token, GpInput) <> 0 Then
- MsgBox "加载GDI+失败!", vbCritical, "加载错误"
- End
- End If
- End Sub
- Public Sub DisposeGDIP()
- GdipDisposeImage gdip_Image
- GdipDeleteGraphics gdip_Graphics
- GdiplusShutdown gdip_Token
- End Sub
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