前面说了。按这种写法,至少要union all七八个子句。且不说容易出错,万一某天,甲方爸爸说,我今天不想看1月1日的数据,我想看1月8日开始的留存率。。。。估计这时候你就一波操作猛如虎,“查找,替换。”先把1月1日的改成1月8日,然后把1月2日的改成1月9日……如此类推。过几天,甲方爸爸又说,我想看1月3日一个星期内的留存率。。。。于是你心里一万匹草泥马奔腾而过,腹诽不已,“这特么还有完没完啊?”,但你不敢声张,只好脸上笑嘻嘻,心里MMP。
- declare @day0 date
- declare @day1 date
- declare @day2 date
- declare @day3 date
- declare @day4 date
- declare @day5 date
- declare @day6 date
- declare @day7 date
- declare @day8 date
- set @day0='2019-1-1'
- set @day1=DATEADD(day,1,@day0)
- set @day2=DATEADD(day,2,@day0)
- set @day3=DATEADD(day,3,@day0)
- set @day4=DATEADD(day,4,@day0)
- set @day5=DATEADD(day,5,@day0)
- set @day6=DATEADD(day,6,@day0)
- set @day7=DATEADD(day,7,@day0)
- set @day8=DATEADD(day,8,@day0)
- select 登录时间
- ,SUM(day0) as day0
- ,SUM(day1) as day1
- ,SUM(day2) as day2
- ,SUM(day3) as day3
- ,SUM(day4) as day4
- ,SUM(day5) as day5
- ,SUM(day6) as day6
- ,SUM(day7) as day7
- ,SUM(day8) as day8
- from(
- select @day0 as 登录时间
- ,count(distinct case when a.登录时间=@day0 then a.用户ID else null end) as day0
- ,count(distinct case when a.登录时间=@day1 then a.用户ID else null end) as day1
- ,count(distinct case when a.登录时间=@day2 then a.用户ID else null end) as day2
- ,count(distinct case when a.登录时间=@day3 then a.用户ID else null end) as day3
- ,count(distinct case when a.登录时间=@day4 then a.用户ID else null end) as day4
- ,count(distinct case when a.登录时间=@day5 then a.用户ID else null end) as day5
- ,count(distinct case when a.登录时间=@day6 then a.用户ID else null end) as day6
- ,count(distinct case when a.登录时间=@day7 then a.用户ID else null end) as day7
- ,count(distinct case when a.登录时间=@day8 then a.用户ID else null end) as day8
- from log_info a,(select distinct 用户ID from log_info where 登录时间=@day0) b
- where a.用户ID=b.用户ID and a.登录时间>=@day0
- group by a.登录时间
- union all
- select @day1 as 登录时间
- ,0 as day0
- ,count(distinct case when a.登录时间=@day1 then a.用户ID else null end) as day1
- ,count(distinct case when a.登录时间=@day2 then a.用户ID else null end) as day2
- ,count(distinct case when a.登录时间=@day3 then a.用户ID else null end) as day3
- ,count(distinct case when a.登录时间=@day4 then a.用户ID else null end) as day4
- ,count(distinct case when a.登录时间=@day5 then a.用户ID else null end) as day5
- ,count(distinct case when a.登录时间=@day6 then a.用户ID else null end) as day6
- ,count(distinct case when a.登录时间=@day7 then a.用户ID else null end) as day7
- ,count(distinct case when a.登录时间=@day8 then a.用户ID else null end) as day8
- from log_info a,(select distinct 用户ID from log_info where 登录时间=@day1) b
- where a.用户ID=b.用户ID
- --新用户
- and a.用户ID not in(select 用户ID from log_info c where c.登录时间=@day0)
- group by a.登录时间
- /*
- 这里仅用2个表进行union all
- 以下从略。
- union all
- …………
- */
- ) a
- group by 登录时间
复制代码 这时候,你发现,只需要改下@day0的值,就能随时算出留存客户数了。你开始为自己的聪明鼓掌。但你还是隐隐有些担忧。现在甲方爸爸只是想看一个星期的数据,你已经写得这么复杂了,万一某天他心血来潮要看一个月的呢?此外,还有一个问题,数据都不是现成的。每次修改条件,就必须重新计算。你觉得这可能会影响体验。那么,这个是否可以做成一张表,每次运行时把数据插入再展示呢?