以下是引用zyp在2005-9-28 23:37:00的发言:
你不应当使用“SendKeys”“Smart Codes”或“GoTo”(除非GoTo作为错误处理的一部分),他们将把你导向错误的方向。
Bugs: Numlock key keeps turning off
(Q) When I run some code in a form, the Numlock key sometimes turns itself off. Why is this happening?
(A) There is a well known bug in all versions of Access involving SendKeys switching off the Numlock key. There are very few occasions where Sendkeys is absolutely required and the best answer to this problem is to try and avoid it's use. 如上描述,SendKeys存在一个BUG,将导致NumLock被锁死。
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-9-30 11:59:41编辑过]