标题: 谁能通过access调用notes发送邮件 [打印本页]
作者: fyupeng 时间: 2006-4-14 06:44
标题: 谁能通过access调用notes发送邮件
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-4-13 22:45:04编辑过]
作者: fyupeng 时间: 2006-4-14 06:51
就是怎样控制Lotus notes发送邮件到指定人员的邮箱,同时附加一个文挡?请指点
作者: wtcj 时间: 2006-4-14 07:15
作者: jiazhou 时间: 2006-4-14 07:24
作者: jiazhou 时间: 2006-4-14 07:26
作者: fyupeng 时间: 2006-4-14 07:36
想要的是Lotus notes的,因为单位办公用的是Lotus notes局域网内部邮件的
作者: djt 时间: 2006-4-14 17:29
引用 Lotus Domino Object
Dim noteDb As New NotesDatabase
Dim noteSe As New NotesSession
Dim noteDc As NotesDocument
Dim noteVw As NotesView
Sub ConnectDb()
Dim userName As String
Dim server As String
Dim mailDbname As String
On Error GoTo errHand:
'userName = noteSe.userName
noteSe.Initialize (InputBox("password ", , "password"))
server = noteSe.GetEnvironmentString("MailServer", True)
mailDbname = noteSe.GetEnvironmentString("MailFile", True)
Set noteDb = noteSe.GetDatabase(server, mailDbname)
Set noteVw = noteDb.getView("($Inbox)")
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
Sub SendMail()
'Dim noteVw As NotesView
'Dim noteDc As NotesDocument
'Dim noteC As NotesDocumentCollection
Dim mailDoc As NotesDocument
Dim noteEo As NotesEmbeddedObject
Dim i As Integer
'On Error GoTo errHand:
'For i = 0 To 2000
If noteDb.IsOpen = False Then
Call ConnectDb
End If
'Set noteVw = noteDb.getView("($Inbox)")
' Cells(i + 1, 1) = noteVw.Name
'MsgBox noteVw.Name
'Exit Sub
'Set noteDc = noteVw.GetLastDocument
'MsgBox noteDc.GetItemValue("copyto")(1)
'Exit Sub
Set mailDoc = noteDb.CreateDocument()
'Set noteEo = mailDoc.CreateRichTextItem("attachment").EmbedObject(1454, "", "d:\daxie.xla", "attachment")
'Set noteEo = mailDoc.CreateRichTextItem("attachment")
'mailDoc.CreateRichTextItem '1454, "", "d:\daxie.xla", "Attach"
mailDoc.ReplaceItemValue "Form", "Memo123"
mailDoc.ReplaceItemValue "Subject", Cells(3, 1).Value
mailDoc.ReplaceItemValue "Sendto", Cells(1, 1).Value
mailDoc.ReplaceItemValue "Copyto", Cells(2, 1).Value
Dim n As Integer
Dim strBody As String
n = 4
Do Until Cells(n, 1) = ""
strBody = strBody & Space(10) & vbCrLf & Cells(n, 1)
n = n + 1
mailDoc.ReplaceItemValue "Body", strBody
mailDoc.Send True
mailDoc.Save True, True
Set mailDoc = Nothing
Exit Sub
'Set noteDc = Nothing
'Set noteVw = Nothing
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
Sub GetMail()
'Dim noteVw As NotesView
'Dim noteDc As NotesDocument
Dim noteEo As NotesEmbeddedObject
Dim i As Integer
On Error GoTo errHand:
If noteDb.IsOpen = False Then
Call ConnectDb
End If
'For i = 0 To 2000
'Set noteVw = noteDb.getView("($Inbox)")
' Cells(i + 1, 1) = noteVw.Name
'MsgBox noteVw.Name
'Exit Sub
Set noteDc = noteVw.GetLastDocument
'Set noteDc = noteVw.GetPrevDocument(noteDc)
'MsgBox noteDc.GetItemValue("copyto")(1)
Cells(1, 1) = noteDc.Authors(0)
Cells(2, 1) = noteDc.GetItemValue("Sendto")
Cells(3, 1) = noteDc.GetItemValue("Copyto")
Cells(4, 1) = noteDc.GetItemValue("Subject")
Cells(5, 1) = noteDc.GetItemValue("Body")
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
Sub PreMail()
'Dim noteVw As NotesView
'Dim noteDc As NotesDocument
Dim noteEo As NotesEmbeddedObject
'Dim i As Integer
On Error GoTo errHand:
If noteDb.IsOpen = False Then
Call ConnectDb
End If
'For i = 0 To 2000
'Set noteVw = noteDb.getView("($Inbox)")
' Cells(i + 1, 1) = noteVw.Name
'MsgBox noteVw.Name
'Exit Sub
Set noteDc = noteVw.GetPrevDocument(noteDc)
'Set noteDc = noteVw.GetPrevDocument(noteDc)
'MsgBox noteDc.GetItemValue("copyto")(1)
Cells(1, 1) = noteDc.Authors(0)
Cells(2, 1) = noteDc.GetItemValue("Sendto")
Cells(3, 1) = noteDc.GetItemValue("Copyto")
Cells(4, 1) = noteDc.GetItemValue("Subject")
Cells(5, 1) = noteDc.GetItemValue("Body")
作者: fyupeng 时间: 2006-4-14 18:26
作者: fyupeng 时间: 2006-4-14 18:40
作者: Benjamin_luk 时间: 2006-4-14 20:53
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Function SendMailToFin(MailRec As Variant, Subject As String)
Dim myDatabase As String, Server As String
myDatabase = "mail\lub" '用户数据库
If InStr(1, myDatabase, "mail", 1) > 0 Then
Server = "GDO001N/DO" Mail 服务器
Dim notessessionobject As Object
Dim notesDb As Object
Dim notesDoc As Object, lineInf As Variant
Set notessessionobject = CreateObject("notes.notessession")
Set notesDb = notessessionobject.GetDatabase(Server, myDatabase)
If Not notesDb.IsOpen Then
MsgBox ("No Notes Database Found!")
Exit Function
End If
Set notesDoc = notesDb.CreateDocument()
Call notesDoc.AppendItemValue("ostedDate", Now())
Call notesDoc.AppendItemValue("Returnreceipt", "1")
With notesDoc
.Form = "Memo" 'A notes document needs a form name
.sendto = MailRec '
.Subject = Subject '
'.body = MailBody
.SaveMessageOnSend = True
.CreateRichTextItem("attachment").EmbedObject 1454, "", "N:\01.snp", "attachment"
End With
Set lineInf = notesDoc.CreateRichTextItem("Body")
Call lineInf.AppendText("Dear customers:")
Call lineInf.AddNewLine(1)
Call lineInf.AppendText("ddddd")
Call lineInf.AddNewLine(2)
Call lineInf.AppendText("We are sorry to inform you that can not issue the order in time for your PR#: .")
Call lineInf.AddNewLine(2)
Call lineInf.AppendText("")
Call lineInf.AddNewLine(2)
Call lineInf.AddNewLine(2)
Call lineInf.AppendText(Now())
Call notesDoc.AppendItemValue("ostedDate", Now())
Call notesDoc.Send(False)
End If
End Function
Function NotesSendPur()
Dim recip(25) As Variant
recip(0) = ""
recip(1) = ""
Call SendMailToFin(recip, "秀才")
End Function
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-4-14 13:17:19编辑过]
作者: Benjamin_luk 时间: 2006-4-18 23:24
作者: leoyan76 时间: 2007-6-7 19:58
如何用notes 發送帶有附件的郵件呢?
作者: djt 时间: 2007-6-7 21:22
dim noteDb as new NOtesDatabase
dim MailDoc as NotesDocument
dim noteEo as NotesEmbeddedObject
set MailDoc=noteDb.CreateDocument()
set noteEo=mailDoc.CreateRichTextItem("attachment").Embedobject(1454,"","C:\ceshi.xls","attachment")
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