1.对SHEET(1)!A:F范围里同时满足a(n)=X1,B(n)=X2,C(n)=X3 条件的E(n)的值
2.对SHEET(1)!A:F范围里同时满足a(n)=X1,B(n)=X2,C(n)=X3 条件的E(n)的值汇总
小弟用for 和if条件判断,运算非常慢,请各位指教。
Sub sum_m(work, order_m As Double, I As Integer, k As Double)
Dim sum_m1 As Double, sum_m2 As Double, sum_m3 As Double, sum_m4 As Double, sum_m5 As Double
Dim cc As Integer, k1 As Double, k2 As Double, k3 As Double
sum_m1 = 0
sum_m2 = 0
sum_m3 = 0
sum_m4 = 0
sum_m5 = 0
For cc = 1 To 30000
If Workbooks("基础资料.xls").Sheets("料件").Cells(cc, 16).Value = "" Then
Exit For
If Workbooks("基础资料.xls").Sheets("料件").Cells(cc, 16).Value = work Then
k1 = Workbooks("基础资料.xls").Sheets("料件").Cells(cc, 4).Value
k2 = Workbooks("基础资料.xls").Sheets("料件").Cells(cc, 2).Value
k3 = Workbooks("基础资料.xls").Sheets("料件").Cells(cc, 10).Value
If k1 = order_m And k2 = 2 And k3 = 214 Then
sum_m1 = sum_m1 + Workbooks("基础资料.xls").Sheets("料件").Cells(cc, 7).Value
If k1 = order_m And k2 = 2 And k3 = 255 Then
sum_m2 = sum_m2 + Workbooks("基础资料.xls").Sheets("料件").Cells(cc, 7).Value
If k1 = order_m And k2 = 2 And (k3 = 258 Or k3 = 9900) Then
sum_m3 = sum_m3 + Workbooks("基础资料.xls").Sheets("料件").Cells(cc, 7).Value
If k1 = order_m And k2 = 1 And k3 = 300 Then
sum_m4 = sum_m4 + Workbooks("基础资料.xls").Sheets("料件").Cells(cc, 7).Value
If k1 = order_m And k2 = 1 And k3 = 258 Then
sum_m5 = sum_m5 + Workbooks("基础资料.xls").Sheets("料件").Cells(cc, 7).Value
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
Workbooks("情况表.xls").Sheets(work).Cells(I, k + 3).Value = sum_m1
Workbooks("情况表.xls").Sheets(work).Cells(I, k + 4).Value = sum_m2
Workbooks("情况表.xls").Sheets(work).Cells(I, k + 5).Value = sum_m3
Workbooks("情况表.xls").Sheets(work).Cells(I, k + 6).Value = sum_m4
Workbooks("情况表.xls").Sheets(work).Cells(I, k + 13).Value = sum_m5
[ 本帖最后由 xjtben 于 2008-3-29 23:51 编辑 ] |
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