- '===============================================================================
- '-函数名称: MySpeak
- '-功能描述: 朗读文本内容
- '-输入参数说明: 参数1: 必选 strSpeak As String 朗读的文本内容
- ' 参数2: 可选 IntRate As Integer 设置朗读的速度 范围:-10到+10
- ' 参数3: 可选 intVolume As Integer 设置朗读的音量 范围:0到100
- ' 参数4: 可选 intVoiceID As Integer 朗读者ID
- '-返回参数说明:
- '-使用语法示例: Call MySpeak ("中华人民共和国")
- '-参考: 网上资料
- '-使用注意: 需要引用 Microsoft Speech Object Library
- '-兼容性:
- '-作者: fan0217@163.com
- '-更新日期: 2006-05-25
- '===============================================================================
- Private Function MySpeak(strSpeak As String, _
- Optional intRate As Integer = 0, _
- Optional intVolume As Integer = 50, _
- Optional intVoiceID As Integer = 0) As Boolean
- On Error GoTo Err_MySpeak
- Dim oVoise As New SpeechLib.SpVoice
- Dim intTotalSpeech As Integer
- intTotalSpeech = oVoise.GetVoices.Count '获取朗读者的数量
- If intTotalSpeech = 0 Then Exit Function
- '设置朗读者
- If intVoiceID > intTotalSpeech - 1 Then intVoiceID = 0
- Set oVoise.Voice = oVoise.GetVoices.Item(intVoiceID)
- '设置朗读速度
- If intRate > 10 Then intRate = 10
- If intRate < -10 Then intRate = -10
- oVoise.Rate = intRate
- '设置朗读音量
- If intVolume > 100 Then intVolume = 100
- If intVolume < 0 Then intVolume = 0
- oVoise.Volume = intVolume
- oVoise.Speak strSpeak
- MySpeak = True
- Exit_MySpeak:
- Exit Function
- Err_MySpeak:
- MySpeak = False
- MsgBox Err.Description, 64, "fan0217"
- Resume Exit_MySpeak
- End Function
- '===============================================================================
- '-函数名称: GetVoiceIDName
- '-功能描述: 获取语音库朗读者名称
- '-输入参数说明:
- '-返回参数说明:
- '-使用语法示例: MsgBox GetVoiceIDName
- '-参考: 网上资料
- '-使用注意: 需要引用 Microsoft Speech Object Library
- '-兼容性:
- '-作者: fan0217@163.com
- '-更新日期: 2006-05-25
- '===============================================================================
- Private Function GetVoiceIDName() As String
- Dim oVoise As New SpeechLib.SpVoice
- Dim i As Integer
- Dim intTotal As Integer
- Dim cVoiceIDName As String
- intTotal = oVoise.GetVoices.Count
- For i = 0 To intTotal - 1 '遍历语音库
- cVoiceIDName = StrReverse(oVoise.GetVoices.Item(i).ID)
- cVoiceIDName = StrReverse(Left(cVoiceIDName, InStr(cVoiceIDName, "") - 1))
- GetVoiceIDName = GetVoiceIDName + cVoiceIDName + ";"
- Next
- GetVoiceIDName = Left(GetVoiceIDName, Len(GetVoiceIDName) - 1)
- End Function
复制代码 示例参考:http://www.office-cn.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=40497&highlight=%C0%CA%B6%C1
'-函数名称: MySpeak
'-功能描述: 朗读文本内容
'-输入参数说明: 参数1: 必选 strSpeak As String 朗读的文本内容
' 参数2: 可选 IntRate As Integer 设置朗读的速度 范围:-10到+10
' 参数3: 可选 intVolume As Integer 设置朗读的音量 范围:0到100
' 参数4: 可选 intVoiceID As Integer 朗读者ID
'-使用语法示例: Call MySpeak ("中华人民共和国")
'-参考: 网上资料
'-使用注意: 需要引用 Microsoft Speech Object Library
'-作者: fan0217@163.com
'-更新日期: 2006-05-25
Private Function MySpeak(strSpeak As String, _
Optional intRate As Integer = 0, _
Optional intVolume As Integer = 50, _
Optional intVoiceID As Integer = 0) As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_MySpeak
Dim oVoise As New SpeechLib.SpVoice
Dim intTotalSpeech As Integer
intTotalSpeech = oVoise.GetVoices.Count '获取朗读者的数量
If intTotalSpeech = 0 Then Exit Function
If intVoiceID > intTotalSpeech - 1 Then intVoiceID = 0
Set oVoise.Voice = oVoise.GetVoices.Item(intVoiceID)
If intRate > 10 Then intRate = 10
If intRate < -10 Then intRate = -10
oVoise.Rate = intRate
If intVolume > 100 Then intVolume = 100
If intVolume < 0 Then intVolume = 0
oVoise.Volume = intVolume
oVoise.Speak strSpeak
MySpeak = True
Exit Function
MySpeak = False
MsgBox Err.Description, 64, "fan0217"
Resume Exit_MySpeak
End Function
'-函数名称: GetVoiceIDName
'-功能描述: 获取语音库朗读者名称
'-使用语法示例: MsgBox GetVoiceIDName
'-参考: 网上资料
'-使用注意: 需要引用 Microsoft Speech Object Library
'-作者: fan0217@163.com
'-更新日期: 2006-05-25
Private Function GetVoiceIDName() As String
Dim oVoise As New SpeechLib.SpVoice
Dim i As Integer
Dim intTotal As Integer
Dim cVoiceIDName As String
intTotal = oVoise.GetVoices.Count
For i = 0 To intTotal - 1 '遍历语音库
cVoiceIDName = StrReverse(oVoise.GetVoices.Item(i).ID)
cVoiceIDName = StrReverse(Left(cVoiceIDName, InStr(cVoiceIDName, "\") - 1))
GetVoiceIDName = GetVoiceIDName + cVoiceIDName + ";"
GetVoiceIDName = Left(GetVoiceIDName, Len(GetVoiceIDName) - 1)
End Function
[ 本帖最后由 fan0217 于 2008-9-23 08:13 编辑 ] |