如果讓Access及VB6或VBA 的Form2.0支持PNG圖片
- 2019-07-07 12:12:00
- zstmtony 轉貼
- 5012
如果讓Access及VB6或VBA 的Form2.0支持PNG圖片
1.Access 2007之後的2010 2013 2016 2019等版本已經支持瞭png格式
隻要 新建文件格式爲accdb卽可
2.VB6 和VBA的Form2.0 則需要使用Gdi+ 用代碼來讀png再賦給控件
純VB6代碼載入併顯示 PNG 圖片 純VB6代碼載入併顯示 PNG 圖片 窗體代碼: '*********************************************************************** '* * '* 原作者:601居士,曏原作者緻敬! * '* * '* 原作者博客地址:http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/2968360967 * '* * '* 本代碼改編自: * '* * '* http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_b0ed98070102zarg.html * '* * '* 本代碼改編時間:2019年5月 * '* * '* 本代碼功能是用純VB6代碼載入併顯示 PNG 圖片 * '* * '* 使用方法:運行本軟件,齣現在屏幕左上角,拖拽PNG圖片到窗體卽可 * '* * '* 窗體無標題欄,窗體可拖動,右鍵點擊窗體退齣,雙擊窗體顯示幫助 * '* * '*********************************************************************** Private Declare Function SetWindowPos Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal hWndInsertAfter As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal cx As Long, ByVal cy As Long, ByVal wFlags As Long) As Long Dim X0!, Y0! Dim pngClass As New LoadPNG Private Sub Form_DblClick() s = s & "原作者:601居士,曏原作者緻敬!" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf s = s & "原作者博客地址:http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/2968360967" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf s = s & "本代碼改編自:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf s = s & "http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_b0ed98070102zarg.html" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf s = s & "本代碼改編時間:2019年5月" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf s = s & "本代碼功能是用純VB6代碼載入併顯示 PNG 圖片" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf s = s & "使用方法:運行本軟件,齣現在屏幕左上角,拖拽PNG圖片到窗體卽可" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf s = s & "窗體無標題欄,窗體可拖動,右鍵點擊窗體退齣,雙擊窗體顯示幫助" MsgBox s End Sub Private Sub Form_OLEDragDrop(Data As DataObject, Effect As Long, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) On Error GoTo over 'Picture1.Cls 'Text1 = "" pngClass.OpenPNG Data.Files(1), Form1, , , 1 '蔘數:(前2箇蔘數必需,後3箇蔘數可選):1-文件名,2-顯示圖像的對象,3、4-顯示坐標,5-放大倍數 Me.Caption = Mid(Data.Files(1), InStrRev(Data.Files(1), "") + 1) If Len(pngClass.Text) Then Text1 = pngClass.Text over: End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() SetWindowPos Me.hwnd, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3 End Sub Private Sub Form_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) If Button = 2 Then End End Sub Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) X0 = x Y0 = y End Sub Private Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) If Button = 1 Then Me.Left = Me.Left + x - X0 Me.Top = Me.Top + y - Y0 End If End Sub 類模塊代碼: '**************************************************************************** '** '*原作者:601居士,曏原作者緻敬! * '** '*原作者博客地址:http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/2968360967* '** '*本代碼改編自:* '** '*http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_b0ed98070102zarg.html* '** '*本代碼改編時間:2019年5月 * '** '*本代碼功能是用純VB6代碼載入併顯示 PNG 圖片* '** '*使用方法:運行本軟件,齣現在屏幕左上角,拖拽PNG圖片到窗體卽可 * '** '*窗體無標題欄,窗體可拖動,右鍵點擊窗體退齣,雙擊窗體顯示幫助* '** '**************************************************************************** Private Type RGBTriple 'PNG圖片調色闆結構 Red As Byte '紅色分量 Green As Byte '緑色分量 Blue As Byte '藍色分量 End Type Private Type BITMAPINFOHEADER 'BMP位圖的信息頭結構 Size As Long '信息頭長度(固定爲40) Width As Long '圖像寬度 Height As Long '圖像高度 Planes As Integer '位麵闆數 BitCount As Integer '每像素所佔位數 Compression As Long '壓縮類型 SizeImage As Long '圖像數據長度 XPelsPerMeter As Long '設備水平分辨率 YPelsPerMeter As Long '設備垂直分辯率 ClrUsed As Long '有效顔色數,O錶示全要使用 ClrImportant As Long '重要的顔色索引箇數,0錶示所有顔色均重要 End Type Private Type RGBQUAD 'BMP位圖調色闆結構 rgbBlue As Byte '藍色分量 rgbGreen As Byte '緑色分量 rgbRed As Byte '紅色分量 rgbReserved As Byte '保留的 End Type Private Type BITMAPINFO_1 '單色BMP位圖 bmiHeader As BITMAPINFOHEADER bmiColors(1) As RGBQUAD End Type Private Type BITMAPINFO_2 bmiHeader As BITMAPINFOHEADER bmiColors(3) As RGBQUAD End Type Private Type BITMAPINFO_4 '16色BMP位圖 bmiHeader As BITMAPINFOHEADER bmiColors(15) As RGBQUAD End Type Private Type BITMAPINFO_8 '256色BMP位圖 bmiHeader As BITMAPINFOHEADER bmiColors(255) As RGBQUAD End Type Private Type BITMAPINFO_24 '24位真綵BMP位圖 bmiHeader As BITMAPINFOHEADER bmiColors As RGBQUAD End Type Private Type BITMAPINFO_24a '24位真綵PNG圖片 bmiHeader As BITMAPINFOHEADER bmiColors As RGBTriple End Type Private Type IHDR 'PNG文件頭(IHDR)中的數據域結構,固定爲13 Width As Long '圖像寬度 Height As Long '圖像高度 BitDepth As Byte '顔色深度 ColorType As Byte '顔色類型 Compression As Byte '壓縮方法 Filter As Byte '濾波器方法 Interlacing As Byte '隔行掃描方法 End Type Private Type CodesType Lenght() As Long code() As Long End Type Private Declare Function DeleteObject Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal length As Long) Private Declare Function CreateCompatibleDC Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long) As Long Private Declare Function DeleteDC Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long) As Long Private Declare Function SelectObject Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal hObject As Long) As Long Private Declare Function StretchBlt Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long, ByVal hSrcDC As Long, ByVal XSrc As Long, ByVal YSrc As Long, ByVal nSrcWidth As Long, ByVal nSrcHeight As Long, ByVal dwRop As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GetDC Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long Private Declare Function CreateDIBitmap_1 Lib "gdi32" Alias "CreateDIBitmap" (ByVal hdc As Long, lpInfoHeader As BITMAPINFOHEADER, ByVal dwUsage As Long, lpInitBits As Any, lpInitInfo As BITMAPINFO_1, ByVal wUsage As Long) As Long Private Declare Function CreateDIBitmap_2 Lib "gdi32" Alias "CreateDIBitmap" (ByVal hdc As Long, lpInfoHeader As BITMAPINFOHEADER, ByVal dwUsage As Long, lpInitBits As Any, lpInitInfo As BITMAPINFO_2, ByVal wUsage As Long) As Long Private Declare Function CreateDIBitmap_4 Lib "gdi32" Alias "CreateDIBitmap" (ByVal hdc As Long, lpInfoHeader As BITMAPINFOHEADER, ByVal dwUsage As Long, lpInitBits As Any, lpInitInfo As BITMAPINFO_4, ByVal wUsage As Long) As Long Private Declare Function CreateDIBitmap_8 Lib "gdi32" Alias "CreateDIBitmap" (ByVal hdc As Long, lpInfoHeader As BITMAPINFOHEADER, ByVal dwUsage As Long, lpInitBits As Any, lpInitInfo As BITMAPINFO_8, ByVal wUsage As Long) As Long Private Declare Function CreateDIBitmap_24 Lib "gdi32" Alias "CreateDIBitmap" (ByVal hdc As Long, lpInfoHeader As BITMAPINFOHEADER, ByVal dwUsage As Long, lpInitBits As Any, lpInitInfo As BITMAPINFO_24, ByVal wUsage As Long) As Long Private Declare Function CreateDIBitmap_24a Lib "gdi32" Alias "CreateDIBitmap" (ByVal hdc As Long, lpInfoHeader As BITMAPINFOHEADER, ByVal dwUsage As Long, lpInitBits As Any, lpInitInfo As BITMAPINFO_24a, ByVal wUsage As Long) As Long Private Declare Function BitBlt Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDestDC As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long, ByVal hSrcDC As Long, ByVal XSrc As Long, ByVal YSrc As Long, ByVal dwRop As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GetDIBits Lib "gdi32" (ByVal aHDC As Long, ByVal hBitmap As Long, ByVal nStartScan As Long, ByVal nNumScans As Long, lpBits As Any, lpBI As Any, ByVal wUsage As Long) As Long Private Declare Function CreateCompatibleBitmap Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long) As Long Private Declare Sub FillMemory Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "RtlFillMemory" (Destination As Any, ByVal length As Long, ByVal Fill As Byte) Private bm1 As BITMAPINFO_1 Private bm2 As BITMAPINFO_2 Private bm4 As BITMAPINFO_4 Private bm8 As BITMAPINFO_8 Private bm24 As BITMAPINFO_24 Private bm24a As BITMAPINFO_24a Dim TempLit As CodesType, TempDist As CodesType, Dist As CodesType Dim LC As CodesType, dc As CodesType, LitLen As CodesType Dim OutStream() As Byte, InStream() As Byte, Pow2(16) As Long, BitMask(16) As Long, LenOrder(18) As Long Dim hBmp As Long, OutPos As Long, Inpos As Long, ByteBuff As Long, BitNum As Long Dim MinLLenght As Long, MaxLLenght As Long, MinDLenght As Long, MaxDLenght As Long Dim BPPprivat As Long, Colorused As Long Dim IDATData() As Byte '圖像數據 Dim IdataLen As Long '圖像數據長度 Dim Palettenbyte() As Byte '調色闆數據 Dim IsStaticBuild As Boolean '創建靜態結構標記 Dim m_Bgx As Long '用戶輸入的 X 坐標 Dim m_Bgy As Long '用戶輸入的 Y 坐標 Dim m_multiple As Long '用戶輸入的圖像放大倍數 Dim m_PicBox As Object '用戶輸入的顯示圖像對象 '隻讀屬性值 Dim m_width As Long '圖像寬 Dim m_height As Long '圖像高 Dim m_bitdepht As Long '顔色深度 Dim m_colortype As Long '顔色類型 Dim m_text As String '文本信息 '方法(前2箇蔘數必需,後3箇蔘數可選):1-文件名,2-顯示圖像的對象,3、4-顯示坐標,5-放大倍數 Public Sub OpenPNG(Filename As String, ByVal PicBox As Object, Optional x As Long = 0, Optional y As Long = 0, Optional Multiple As Single = 1) On Error GoTo over Dim a() As Byte Dim b(0) As Long Dim Stand As Long '當前讀入的字節位置 Dim Ende As Boolean '數據讀完標記 Dim Filenumber As Long Dim Signature(7) As Byte Dim Test As Long Dim Ltge As Long Dim ChunkName As String * 4 '數據塊符號 Dim ChunkInhalt() As Byte '數據域 Dim CRC32Inhalt As Long 'CRC校驗碼 ReDim IDATData(0) ReDim a(FileLen(Filename) - 1) Set m_PicBox = PicBox: m_Bgx = x: m_Bgy = y: BPPprivat = 0: IdataLen = 0: If Multiple > 0 Then m_multiple = Multiple Filenumber = FreeFile Open Filename For Binary As Filenumber Get Filenumber, , a Test = IsValidSignature(a) '讀齣前8箇字節 If Not Test Then '如果不是PNG標記退齣 Close Filenumber Exit Sub End If Stand = 8 Do While Ende = False CopyMemory Ltge, a(Stand), 4 '讀入長整形4箇字節,這是數據塊的數據域長度 Stand = Stand + 4 SwapBytesLong Ltge CopyMemory ByVal ChunkName, a(Stand), 4 '讀入4箇字節字符,這是數據塊符號 Stand = Stand + 4 ' Seek(Filenumber)'穫取當前讀入的字節位置 If Ltge > 0 Then ReDim ChunkInhalt(Ltge - 1) '如果不是結束塊,定義數據域長度 If Stand + Ltge + 1 > LOF(Filenumber) Then Stop: Exit Sub '如果當前位置+數據域長度>文件長度,髮生錯誤 CopyMemory ChunkInhalt(0), a(Stand), Ltge '讀入數據域 Stand = Stand + Ltge CopyMemory CRC32Inhalt, a(Stand), 4 '讀入CRC校驗碼 Stand = Stand + 4 Select Case ChunkName Case "IHDR" '文件頭數據塊 ReadIHDR ChunkInhalt Case "PLTE" '調色闆數據塊 ReDim Palettenbyte(UBound(ChunkInhalt)) CopyMemory Palettenbyte(0), ChunkInhalt(0), UBound(ChunkInhalt) + 1 Case "IDAT" '圖像數據塊 ReDim Preserve IDATData(IdataLen + UBound(ChunkInhalt)) CopyMemory IDATData(IdataLen), ChunkInhalt(0), UBound(ChunkInhalt) + 1 IdataLen = UBound(IDATData) + 1 Case "IEND" '結束數據塊 Ende = True Case "tEXt" '文本信息數據塊 m_text = StrConv(ChunkInhalt, vbUnicode) End Select Loop PicBox.Width = m_width * 15 PicBox.Height = m_height * 15 Close Filenumber If IdataLen > 0 Then MakePicture '處理圖形 over: End Sub Private Function IsValidSignature(Signature() As Byte) As Boolean '判斷是否PNG標記 If Signature(0) <> 137 Then Exit Function If Signature(1) <> 80 Then Exit Function If Signature(2) <> 78 Then Exit Function If Signature(3) <> 71 Then Exit Function If Signature(4) <> 13 Then Exit Function If Signature(5) <> 10 Then Exit Function If Signature(6) <> 26 Then Exit Function If Signature(7) <> 10 Then Exit Function IsValidSignature = True End Function Private Sub SwapBytesLong(ByteValue As Long) '轉化長整形低位在前高位在後的數據 Dim Tergabe As Long, i As Long For i = 0 To 3 CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(Tergabe) + i, ByVal VarPtr(ByteValue) + (3 - i), 1 Next i ByteValue = Tergabe End Sub Private Sub ReadIHDR(Bytefeld() As Byte) '處理文件頭數據塊 Dim Header As IHDR CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(Header), Bytefeld(0), 13 SwapBytesLong Header.Width SwapBytesLong Header.Height m_width = Header.Width '圖像寬 m_height = Header.Height '圖像高 m_bitdepht = Header.BitDepth '顔色深度 m_colortype = Header.ColorType '顔色類型 End Sub Private Sub MakePicture() '處理圖形 Dim Buffer() As Byte '緩衝區 Dim BitCount As Integer, Bitdepht As Long, Drehen As Integer, DataSize As Long Drehen = 1 DataSize = DataPerRow * m_height '非隔行掃描方法 ReDim Buffer(UBound(IDATData) - 2) CopyMemory Buffer(0), IDATData(2), UBound(IDATData) - 1 Decompress Buffer, DataSize '使用壓縮 Buffer = DeFilter(Buffer) Drehen = 1 BitCount = m_bitdepht '顔色深度 Select Case m_colortype '根據顔色類型處理 Case 0 '灰度圖像 Select Case m_bitdepht '根據顔色深度處理 Case 16 Conv16To8 Buffer InitColorTable_Grey 8 BitCount = 8 BPPprivat = 8 Case 8, 4, 1 BitCount = m_bitdepht InitColorTable_Grey m_bitdepht, False Align32 BitCount, Buffer Case 2 InitColorTable_Grey 2 Pal2To8 Buffer, DataPerRow BitCount = 8 BPPprivat = 8 End Select Case 2 '真綵圖像 If m_bitdepht = 16 Then Conv16To8 Buffer BitCount = 24 BPPprivat = 24 ReverseRGB Buffer Drehen = 1 BPPprivat = 8 Align32 BitCount, Buffer BPPprivat = 24 Case 3 '索引綵圖 Select Case m_bitdepht Case 8, 4, 1 BitCount = m_bitdepht If BitCount >= 8 Then Align32 BitCount, Buffer Case 2 BitCount = 8 BPPprivat = 8 Align32 BitCount, Buffer End Select Case 4 '帶α通道數據的灰度圖像 If m_bitdepht = 16 Then Conv16To8 Buffer GrayAToRGBA Buffer BPPprivat = 32 BitCount = 32 MirrorData Buffer, LineBytes(BitCount) Drehen = 0 MakeAlpha Buffer BPPprivat = 24 BitCount = 24 Case 6 '帶α通道數據的真綵色圖像 If m_bitdepht = 16 Then Conv16To8 Buffer BitCount = 32 BPPprivat = 32 ReverseRGBA Buffer MirrorData Buffer, LineBytes(BitCount) Drehen = 0 MakeAlpha Buffer BPPprivat = 24 BitCount = 24 End Select If Not (((m_colortype = 3) And (BitCount = 32)) Or (m_bitdepht = 2)) Then If m_bitdepht = 16 Then Bitdepht = 16 Select Case BitCount '根據顔色深度處理 Case 1 Align32 BitCount, Buffer Select Case m_colortype Case 3: InitColorTable_1Palette Palettenbyte Case Else: InitColorTable_1 End Select CreateBitmap_1 Buffer, True, Colorused DrawBitmap Case 2 Align32 BitCount, Buffer Case 4 Align32 BitCount, Buffer Select Case m_colortype Case 0 Case Else InitColorTable_4 Palettenbyte End Select CreateBitmap_4 Buffer, True, Colorused DrawBitmap Case 8 Select Case m_colortype Case 0, 4 Case Else InitColorTable_8 Palettenbyte End Select Drehen = 1 CreateBitmap_8 Buffer, Drehen, Colorused DrawBitmap Case 24 CreateBitmap_24 Buffer, Drehen, 1 DrawBitmap Case 32 CreateBitmap_24 Buffer, Drehen DrawBitmap End Select End Sub '解壓縮 Private Function Decompress(ByteArray() As Byte, UncompressedSize As Long, Optional ZIP64 As Boolean = False) As Long Dim IsLastBlock As Boolean, CompType As Long, Char As Long, Nubits As Long Dim L1 As Long, L2 As Long, x As Long, k As Integer UncompressedSize = UncompressedSize + 100 InStream = ByteArray Call Init_Decompress(UncompressedSize) Do IsLastBlock = GetBits(1) CompType = GetBits(2) If CompType = 0 Then If Inpos + 4 > UBound(InStream) Then Decompress = -1: Exit Do Do While BitNum >= 8 Inpos = Inpos - 1 BitNum = BitNum - 8 Loop CopyMemory L1, InStream(Inpos), 2& CopyMemory L2, InStream(Inpos + 2), 2& Inpos = Inpos + 4 If L1 - (Not (L2) And &HFFFF&) Then Decompress = -2 If Inpos + L1 - 1 > UBound(InStream) Then Decompress = -1: Exit Do If OutPos + L1 - 1 > UBound(OutStream) Then Decompress = -1: Exit Do CopyMemory OutStream(OutPos), InStream(Inpos), L1 OutPos = OutPos + L1 Inpos = Inpos + L1 ByteBuff = 0 BitNum = 0 ElseIf CompType = 3 Then Decompress = -1 Exit Do Else If CompType = 1 Then If Create_Static_Tree <> 0 Then MsgBox "Error in tree creation (Static)" Exit Function End If Else If Create_Dynamic_Tree <> 0 Then MsgBox "Error in tree creation (Static)" Exit Function End If End If Do NeedBits MaxLLenght Nubits = MinLLenght Do While LitLen.Lenght(ByteBuff And BitMask(Nubits)) <> Nubits Nubits = Nubits + 1 Loop Char = LitLen.code(ByteBuff And BitMask(Nubits)) DropBits Nubits If Char < 256 Then OutStream(OutPos) = Char OutPos = OutPos + 1 ElseIf Char > 256 Then Char = Char - 257 L1 = LC.code(Char) + GetBits(LC.Lenght(Char)) If (L1 = 258) And ZIP64 Then L1 = GetBits(16) + 3 NeedBits MaxDLenght Nubits = MinDLenght Do While Dist.Lenght(ByteBuff And BitMask(Nubits)) <> Nubits Nubits = Nubits + 1 Loop Char = Dist.code(ByteBuff And BitMask(Nubits)) DropBits Nubits L2 = dc.code(Char) + GetBits(dc.Lenght(Char)) For x = 1 To L1 If OutPos > UncompressedSize Then OutPos = UncompressedSize GoTo Stop_Decompression End If OutStream(OutPos) = OutStream(OutPos - L2) OutPos = OutPos + 1 Next x End If Loop While Char <> 256 'EOB End If Loop While Not IsLastBlock Stop_Decompression: If OutPos > 0 Then ReDim Preserve OutStream(OutPos - 1) Else Erase OutStream End If Erase InStream, BitMask, Pow2, LC.code, LC.Lenght, dc.code, dc.Lenght Erase Dist.code, Dist.Lenght, LenOrder, LitLen.code, LitLen.Lenght ByteArray = OutStream End Function Private Function Create_Static_Tree() '創建靜態結構 Dim x As Long, Lenght(287) As Long If IsStaticBuild = False Then For x = 0 To 143: Lenght(x) = 8: Next For x = 144 To 255: Lenght(x) = 9: Next For x = 256 To 279: Lenght(x) = 7: Next For x = 280 To 287: Lenght(x) = 8: Next If Create_Codes(TempLit, Lenght, 287, MaxLLenght, MinLLenght) <> 0 Then Create_Static_Tree = -1 Exit Function End If For x = 0 To 31: Lenght(x) = 5: Next Create_Static_Tree = Create_Codes(TempDist, Lenght, 31, MaxDLenght, MinDLenght) IsStaticBuild = True Else MinLLenght = 7 MaxLLenght = 9 MinDLenght = 5 MaxDLenght = 5 End If LitLen = TempLit: Dist = TempDist End Function Private Function Create_Dynamic_Tree() As Long '創建動態結構 Dim Lenght() As Long Dim Bl_Tree As CodesType Dim MinBL As Long, MaxBL As Long, NumLen As Long, Numdis As Long, NumCod As Long Dim Char As Long, Nubits As Long, LN As Long, Pos As Long, x As Long NumLen = GetBits(5) + 257 Numdis = GetBits(5) + 1 NumCod = GetBits(4) + 4 ReDim Lenght(18) For x = 0 To NumCod - 1: Lenght(LenOrder(x)) = GetBits(3): Next For x = NumCod To 18: Lenght(LenOrder(x)) = 0: Next If Create_Codes(Bl_Tree, Lenght, 18, MaxBL, MinBL) <> 0 Then Create_Dynamic_Tree = -1: Exit Function ReDim Lenght(NumLen + Numdis) Pos = 0 Do While Pos < NumLen + Numdis NeedBits MaxBL Nubits = MinBL Do While Bl_Tree.Lenght(ByteBuff And BitMask(Nubits)) <> Nubits Nubits = Nubits + 1 Loop Char = Bl_Tree.code(ByteBuff And BitMask(Nubits)) DropBits Nubits If Char < 16 Then Lenght(Pos) = Char Pos = Pos + 1 Else If Char = 16 Then If Pos = 0 Then Create_Dynamic_Tree = -5: Exit Function LN = Lenght(Pos - 1) Char = 3 + GetBits(2) ElseIf Char = 17 Then Char = 3 + GetBits(3) LN = 0 Else Char = 11 + GetBits(7) LN = 0 End If If Pos + Char > NumLen + Numdis Then Create_Dynamic_Tree = -6: Exit Function Do While Char > 0 Char = Char - 1 Lenght(Pos) = LN Pos = Pos + 1 Loop End If Loop If Create_Codes(LitLen, Lenght, NumLen - 1, MaxLLenght, MinLLenght) <> 0 Then Create_Dynamic_Tree = -1 Exit Function End If For x = 0 To Numdis: Lenght(x) = Lenght(x + NumLen): Next Create_Dynamic_Tree = Create_Codes(Dist, Lenght, Numdis - 1, MaxDLenght, MinDLenght) End Function
'創建編碼 Private Function Create_Codes(tree As CodesType, Lenghts() As Long, NumCodes As Long, MaxBits As Long, Minbits As Long) As Long Dim Bits(16) As Long Dim next_code(16) As Long Dim code As Long Dim LN As Long Dim x As Long Minbits = 16 For x = 0 To NumCodes Bits(Lenghts(x)) = Bits(Lenghts(x)) + 1 If Lenghts(x) > MaxBits Then MaxBits = Lenghts(x) If Lenghts(x) < Minbits And Lenghts(x) > 0 Then Minbits = Lenghts(x) Next LN = 1 For x = 1 To MaxBits LN = LN + LN LN = LN - Bits(x) If LN < 0 Then Create_Codes = LN: Exit Function Next Create_Codes = LN ReDim tree.code(2 ^ MaxBits - 1), tree.Lenght(2 ^ MaxBits - 1) code = 0 Bits(0) = 0 For x = 1 To MaxBits: code = (code + Bits(x - 1)) * 2: next_code(x) = code: Next For x = 0 To NumCodes LN = Lenghts(x) If LN <> 0 Then code = Bit_Reverse(next_code(LN), LN) tree.Lenght(code) = LN tree.code(code) = x next_code(LN) = next_code(LN) + 1 End If Next End Function Private Function Bit_Reverse(ByVal Value As Long, ByVal Numbits As Long) '位反轉 Do While Numbits > 0 Bit_Reverse = Bit_Reverse * 2 + (Value And 1) Numbits = Numbits - 1 Value = Value \ 2 Loop End Function Private Sub Init_Decompress(UncompressedSize As Long) '解壓縮 Dim Temp() Dim x As Long Erase LitLen.code, Dist.code, Dist.Lenght, LitLen.Lenght ReDim OutStream(UncompressedSize) ReDim LC.code(31), LC.Lenght(31), dc.code(31), dc.Lenght(31) Temp() = Array(16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15) For x = 0 To UBound(Temp): LenOrder(x) = Temp(x): Next Temp() = Array(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 43, 51, 59, 67, 83, 99, 115, 131, 163, 195, 227, 258) For x = 0 To UBound(Temp): LC.code(x) = Temp(x): Next Temp() = Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0) For x = 0 To UBound(Temp): LC.Lenght(x) = Temp(x): Next Temp() = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 25, 33, 49, 65, 97, 129, 193, 257, 385, 513, 769, 1025, 1537, 2049, 3073, 4097, 6145, 8193, 12289, 16385, 24577, 32769, 49153) For x = 0 To UBound(Temp): dc.code(x) = Temp(x): Next Temp() = Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 14, 14) For x = 0 To UBound(Temp): dc.Lenght(x) = Temp(x): Next For x = 0 To 16: BitMask(x) = 2 ^ x - 1: Pow2(x) = 2 ^ x: Next OutPos = 0: Inpos = 0: ByteBuff = 0: BitNum = 0 End Sub Private Sub NeedBits(Numbits As Long) While BitNum < Numbits If Inpos > UBound(InStream) Then Exit Sub ByteBuff = ByteBuff + (InStream(Inpos) * Pow2(BitNum)) BitNum = BitNum + 8 Inpos = Inpos + 1 Wend End Sub Private Sub DropBits(Numbits As Long) ByteBuff = ByteBuff \ Pow2(Numbits) BitNum = BitNum - Numbits End Sub Private Function GetBits(Numbits As Long) As Long While BitNum < Numbits ByteBuff = ByteBuff + (InStream(Inpos) * Pow2(BitNum)) BitNum = BitNum + 8 Inpos = Inpos + 1 Wend GetBits = ByteBuff And BitMask(Numbits) ByteBuff = ByteBuff \ Pow2(Numbits) BitNum = BitNum - Numbits End Function Private Function DeFilter(Dat() As Byte) As Byte() '脫去濾波器 Dim NewDat() As Byte, y As Long, iVal As Long Dim n As Long, StartByte As Long, DestByte As Long Dim BPRow As Long, x As Long, RowBytes() As Byte Dim PrevRowBytes() As Byte Dim i As Long iVal = Interval() BPRow = DataPerRow() ReDim NewDat(UBound(Dat) - m_height), PrevRowBytes(DataPerRow() - 2), RowBytes(DataPerRow() - 2) For y = 0 To m_height - 1 StartByte = BPRow * y DestByte = StartByte - y x = 0 CopyMemory RowBytes(0), Dat(StartByte + 1), BPRow - 1 Select Case Dat(StartByte) Case 0 Case 1: ReverseSub RowBytes, iVal Case 2: ReverseUp RowBytes, PrevRowBytes Case 3: ReverseAverage RowBytes, PrevRowBytes, iVal Case 4: ReversePaeth RowBytes, PrevRowBytes, iVal End Select CopyMemory NewDat(DestByte), RowBytes(0), BPRow - 1 PrevRowBytes = RowBytes Next y DeFilter = NewDat End Function Private Function BitsPerPixel() As Long Dim Bpp As Long Bpp = m_bitdepht If BPPprivat <> Bpp And BPPprivat <> 0 Then Bpp = BPPprivat Select Case m_colortype Case 0, 3: BitsPerPixel = Bpp Case 2: BitsPerPixel = 3 * Bpp Case 6: BitsPerPixel = 4 * Bpp Case 4: BitsPerPixel = 2 * Bpp End Select End Function Private Function DataPerRow() As Long DataPerRow = (m_width * BitsPerPixel() + 7) \ 8 + 1 End Function '反轉平均值 Private Sub ReverseAverage(CurRow() As Byte, PrevRow() As Byte, Interval As Long) Dim PrevOff As Long, PrevVal As Byte, BPRow As Long Dim n As Long, x As Integer BPRow = UBound(CurRow) + 1 For n = 0 To BPRow - 1 PrevOff = n - Interval If PrevOff >= 0 Then PrevVal = CurRow(PrevOff) x = CurRow(n) + (CInt(PrevRow(n)) + CInt(PrevVal)) \ 2 CopyMemory CurRow(n), x, 1 Next n End Sub Private Sub ReversePaeth(CurRow() As Byte, PrevRow() As Byte, Interval As Long) Dim BPRow As Long, n As Long, x As Integer Dim LeftPixOff As Long, LeftPix As Byte Dim UpperLeftPix As Byte BPRow = UBound(CurRow) + 1 For n = 0 To BPRow - 1 LeftPixOff = n - Interval If LeftPixOff >= 0 Then LeftPix = CurRow(LeftPixOff) UpperLeftPix = PrevRow(LeftPixOff) End If x = CInt(CurRow(n)) + CInt(PaethPredictor(LeftPix, PrevRow(n), UpperLeftPix)) CopyMemory CurRow(n), x, 1 Next n End Sub Private Sub ReverseUp(CurRow() As Byte, PrevRow() As Byte) Dim PrevVal As Byte, BPRow As Long Dim n As Long, x As Integer BPRow = UBound(CurRow) + 1 For n = 0 To BPRow - 1 PrevVal = PrevRow(n) x = CInt(CurRow(n)) + CInt(PrevVal) CopyMemory CurRow(n), x, 1 Next n End Sub Private Sub ReverseSub(CurRow() As Byte, Interval As Long) Dim PrevOff As Long, PrevVal As Byte, BPRow As Long Dim n As Long, x As Integer BPRow = UBound(CurRow) + 1 For n = 0 To BPRow - 1 PrevOff = n - Interval If PrevOff >= 0 Then PrevVal = CurRow(PrevOff) x = CInt(CurRow(n)) + CInt(PrevVal) CopyMemory CurRow(n), x, 1 Next n End Sub Private Function PaethPredictor(Left As Byte, Above As Byte, UpperLeft As Byte) As Byte Dim pA As Integer, pB As Integer, pC As Integer, p As Integer p = CInt(Left) + CInt(Above) - CInt(UpperLeft) pA = Abs(p - Left) pB = Abs(p - Above) pC = Abs(p - UpperLeft) If (pA <= pB) And (pA <= pC) Then PaethPredictor = Left ElseIf pB <= pC Then PaethPredictor = Above Else PaethPredictor = UpperLeft End If End Function Private Sub ReverseRGB(Dat() As Byte) Dim n As Long, Tmp As Byte On Error Resume Next For n = 0 To UBound(Dat) Step 3 Tmp = Dat(n) Dat(n) = Dat(n + 2) Dat(n + 2) = Tmp Next n End Sub Private Sub Conv16To8(Dat() As Byte) '處理16位顔色深度 Dim n As Long, DestDat() As Byte, DestOff As Long ReDim DestDat((UBound(Dat) + 1) \ 2 - 1) For n = 0 To UBound(Dat) Step 2 DestDat(DestOff) = Dat(n) DestOff = DestOff + 1 Next n Dat = DestDat End Sub Private Sub Align32(BitCount As Integer, Dat() As Byte) Dim RowBytes As Long, SrcRowBytes As Long Dim y As Long, Dest() As Byte Dim SrcOff As Long, DestOff As Long If BitCount = 32 Then Exit Sub RowBytes = LineBytes(BitCount) SrcRowBytes = DataPerRow() - 1 If m_colortype = 4 Then SrcRowBytes = SrcRowBytes / 2 If RowBytes = SrcRowBytes Then Exit Sub Else ReDim Dest(RowBytes * m_height - 1) For y = 0 To m_height - 1 SrcOff = y * SrcRowBytes DestOff = y * RowBytes CopyMemory Dest(DestOff), Dat(SrcOff), SrcRowBytes Next y Dat = Dest End If End Sub Private Function LineBytes(BitCount As Integer) As Long '計祘掃描線字節數 LineBytes = ((m_width * BitCount + 31) \ 32) * 4 End Function Private Sub ReverseRGBA(Dat() As Byte) Dim n As Long, Tmp As Byte For n = 0 To UBound(Dat) Step 4 Tmp = Dat(n) If n + 2 > UBound(Dat) Then Exit For Dat(n) = Dat(n + 2) Dat(n + 2) = Tmp Next n End Sub Private Sub Pal2To8(Dat() As Byte, RowBytes As Long) Dim DestDat() As Byte, DestRowBytes As Long, n As Long Dim Px As Byte, DestOff As Long, x As Long, y As Long DestRowBytes = LineBytes(8) ReDim DestDat(DestRowBytes * m_height - 1) For y = 0 To m_height - 1 DestOff = y * DestRowBytes For x = 0 To m_width - 1 n = y * (RowBytes - 1) + x \ 4 Px = IIf((x Mod 4) <> 3, Dat(n) \ 4 ^ (3 - (x Mod 4)), Dat(n)) And 3 DestDat(DestOff) = Px DestOff = DestOff + 1 Next x Next y Dat = DestDat End Sub Private Sub GrayAToRGBA(Dat() As Byte) Dim n As Long, DestDat() As Byte, DestOff As Long ReDim DestDat((UBound(Dat) + 1) * 2 - 1) For n = 0 To UBound(Dat) Step 2 DestDat(DestOff) = Dat(n) DestDat(DestOff + 1) = Dat(n) DestDat(DestOff + 2) = Dat(n) DestDat(DestOff + 3) = Dat(n + 1) DestOff = DestOff + 4 Next n Dat = DestDat End Sub Private Function BerechneZeilenltge(x As Long, Bpp As Long, Stand As String) As Long Dim Hilfslong As Long Dim Ltgenrest As Long Dim Ltge8 As Long Dim Testlong As Long Dim Anzahl8 As Long Dim AnzahlBits As Long Dim Bytesrest As Long Dim NBytes As Long Dim AnzRB As Long Dim Rest As Long Dim MengeBits As Long Dim i As Long Dim BiggerAs As Long Dim Menge As Long MengeBits = Len(Stand) Ltgenrest = x Mod 8 BiggerAs = 0 Menge = 0 For i = 1 To MengeBits If CLng(Mid(Stand, i, 1)) <= Ltgenrest Then Menge = Menge + 1 Else Exit For End If Next i If Bpp < 8 Then If Ltgenrest > 0 Then Rest = Bpp * Menge Else Rest = 0 End If Else Rest = Menge * (Bpp / 8) End If Anzahl8 = (x - Ltgenrest) / 8 AnzahlBits = Anzahl8 * Bpp * MengeBits Bytesrest = AnzahlBits Mod 8 NBytes = (AnzahlBits - Bytesrest) / 8 Select Case Bpp Case Is < 8 Rest = Rest + Bytesrest Testlong = Rest Mod 8 AnzRB = (Rest - Testlong) / 8 If Testlong <> 0 Then AnzRB = AnzRB + 1 BerechneZeilenltge = NBytes + AnzRB Case Else BerechneZeilenltge = NBytes + Rest End Select End Function '處理帶α通道數據的圖像 Private Sub MakeAlpha(Buffer() As Byte) Dim Myx As Long, Myy As Long, DatOff As Long, R As Long, G As Long, b As Long, a As Long Dim sR As Long, sG As Long, sB As Long, dR As Long, dG As Long, dB As Long Dim DestData() As Byte, SrcData() As Byte, hdc As Long, bytesperrow As Long Dim DestOff As Long, DestHdr As BITMAPINFOHEADER Dim MemDC As Long, hBmp2 As Long, hOldBmp As Long On Error Resume Next If Err.Number = 91 Then ReDim SrcData(UBound(Buffer)) bytesperrow = LineBytes(24) FillColorArray SrcData, 0, bytesperrow ReDim DestData(bytesperrow * m_height - 1) Err.Clear Else hdc = m_PicBox.hdc bytesperrow = LineBytes(24) ReDim DestData(bytesperrow * m_height - 1), SrcData(UBound(Buffer)) DestHdr.BitCount = 24 DestHdr.Height = m_height DestHdr.Width = m_width DestHdr.Planes = 1 DestHdr.Size = 40 MemDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc) hBmp2 = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, m_width, m_height) hOldBmp = SelectObject(MemDC, hBmp2) BitBlt MemDC, 0, 0, m_width, m_height, hdc, m_Bgx, m_Bgy, vbSrcCopy GetDIBits MemDC, hBmp2, 0, m_height, SrcData(0), DestHdr, 0 SelectObject hOldBmp, MemDC DeleteObject hBmp2 DeleteDC MemDC End If For Myy = 0 To m_height - 1 For Myx = 0 To m_width - 1 DestOff = Myy * bytesperrow + Myx * 3 sR = SrcData(DestOff + 2) sG = SrcData(DestOff + 1) sB = SrcData(DestOff) b = Buffer(DatOff) G = Buffer(DatOff + 1) R = Buffer(DatOff + 2) a = Buffer(DatOff + 3) If a = 255 Then DestData(DestOff + 2) = R DestData(DestOff + 1) = G DestData(DestOff) = b ElseIf a = 0 Then DestData(DestOff + 2) = sR DestData(DestOff + 1) = sG DestData(DestOff) = sB Else dR = R * a + (255 - a) * sR + 255 dG = G * a + (255 - a) * sG + 255 dB = b * a + (255 - a) * sB + 255 CopyMemory DestData(DestOff + 2), ByVal VarPtr(dR) + 1, 1 CopyMemory DestData(DestOff + 1), ByVal VarPtr(dG) + 1, 1 CopyMemory DestData(DestOff), ByVal VarPtr(dB) + 1, 1 End If DatOff = DatOff + 4 Next Myx Next Myy Buffer = DestData End Sub Private Sub MirrorData(Dat() As Byte, RowBytes As Long) Dim NewDat() As Byte, y As Long, Height As Long Dim StartLine As Long, DestLine As Long ReDim NewDat(UBound(Dat)) Height = (UBound(Dat) + 1) \ RowBytes For y = 0 To Height - 1 StartLine = y * RowBytes DestLine = (Height - y - 1) * RowBytes CopyMemory NewDat(DestLine), Dat(StartLine), RowBytes Next y Dat = NewDat End Sub Private Sub FillColorArray(FArray() As Byte, Color As Long, bytesperrow As Long) Dim DA(3) As Byte, i As Long, u As Byte, Ztler As Long CopyMemory DA(0), ByVal VarPtr(Color), 3 If DA(3) = 0 Then u = DA(0) DA(0) = DA(2) DA(2) = u u = DA(1) If DA(0) = DA(1) And DA(1) = DA(2) Then FillMemory FArray(0), UBound(FArray) + 1, DA(0) Else Ztler = 1 For i = 0 To UBound(FArray) - 2 Step 3 CopyMemory FArray(i), DA(0), 3 If i = ((Ztler * bytesperrow) - 1) Or i = ((Ztler * bytesperrow) - 2) Then i = Ztler * bytesperrow i = bytesperrow * Ztler Ztler = Ztler + 1 End If Next i End If End If End Sub Private Function Interval() As Long '間隔 Interval = BitsPerPixel() \ 8 If Interval = 0 Then Interval = 1 End Function Public Property Get Text() As String '返迴文本信息 Text = m_text End Property Public Property Get Width() As Long '返迴圖像寬 Width = m_width End Property Public Property Get Height() As Long '返迴圖像高 Height = m_height End Property Public Property Get Bitdepht() As Long '返迴顔色深度 Bitdepht = m_bitdepht End Property Public Property Get ColorType() As Long '返迴顔色類型 ColorType = m_colortype End Property Private Sub InitColorTable_1(Optional Sorting As Integer = 1) Dim Fb1 As Byte, Fb2 As Byte Select Case Sorting Case 0: Fb1 = 255: Fb2 = 0 Case 1: Fb1 = 0: Fb2 = 255 End Select bm1.bmiColors(0).rgbRed = Fb1 bm1.bmiColors(0).rgbGreen = Fb1 bm1.bmiColors(0).rgbBlue = Fb1 bm1.bmiColors(0).rgbReserved = 0 bm1.bmiColors(1).rgbRed = Fb2 bm1.bmiColors(1).rgbGreen = Fb2 bm1.bmiColors(1).rgbBlue = Fb2 bm1.bmiColors(1).rgbReserved = 0 End Sub Private Sub InitColorTable_1Palette(Palettenbyte() As Byte) If UBound(Palettenbyte) = 5 Then bm1.bmiColors(0).rgbRed = Palettenbyte(0) bm1.bmiColors(0).rgbGreen = Palettenbyte(1) bm1.bmiColors(0).rgbBlue = Palettenbyte(2) bm1.bmiColors(0).rgbReserved = 0 bm1.bmiColors(1).rgbRed = Palettenbyte(3) bm1.bmiColors(1).rgbGreen = Palettenbyte(4) bm1.bmiColors(1).rgbBlue = Palettenbyte(5) bm1.bmiColors(1).rgbReserved = 0 Else InitColorTable_1 End If End Sub Private Sub InitColorTable_8(ByteArray() As Byte) Dim Palette8() As RGBTriple, i As Integer ReDim Palette8(255) CopyMemory Palette8(0), ByteArray(0), UBound(ByteArray) + 1 On Error Resume Next For i = 0 To 255 '256色位圖調色闆 bm8.bmiColors(i).rgbBlue = Palette8(i).Blue bm8.bmiColors(i).rgbGreen = Palette8(i).Green bm8.bmiColors(i).rgbRed = Palette8(i).Red bm8.bmiColors(i).rgbReserved = 0 Next i End Sub Private Sub InitColorTable_4(ByteArray() As Byte) Dim Palette4() As RGBTriple, i As Integer ReDim Palette4(15) CopyMemory Palette4(0), ByteArray(0), UBound(ByteArray) + 1 For i = 0 To 15 '16色位圖調色闆 bm4.bmiColors(i).rgbRed = Palette4(i).Red bm4.bmiColors(i).rgbGreen = Palette4(i).Green bm4.bmiColors(i).rgbBlue = Palette4(i).Blue bm4.bmiColors(i).rgbReserved = 0 Next i End Sub Private Sub CreateBitmap_1(ByteArray() As Byte, Orientation As Integer, Optional Colorused As Long = 0) Dim hdc As Long With bm1.bmiHeader .Size = Len(bm1.bmiHeader) .Width = m_width .Height = IIf(Orientation = 0, m_height, -m_height) .Planes = 1 .BitCount = 1 .Compression = 0& .SizeImage = 0 .XPelsPerMeter = 0 .YPelsPerMeter = 0 .ClrUsed = Colorused .ClrImportant = 0 End With hdc = GetDC(0) hBmp = CreateDIBitmap_1(hdc, bm1.bmiHeader, &H4, ByteArray(0), bm1, 0) End Sub Private Sub CreateBitmap_4(ByteArray() As Byte, Orientation As Integer, Optional Colorused As Long = 0) Dim hdc As Long With bm4.bmiHeader .Size = Len(bm1.bmiHeader) .Width = m_width .Height = IIf(Orientation = 0, m_height, -m_height) .Planes = 1 .BitCount = 4 .Compression = 0& .SizeImage = 0 .XPelsPerMeter = 0 .YPelsPerMeter = 0 .ClrUsed = Colorused .ClrImportant = 0 End With hdc = GetDC(0) hBmp = CreateDIBitmap_4(hdc, bm4.bmiHeader, &H4, ByteArray(0), bm4, 0) End Sub Private Sub CreateBitmap_8(BitmapArray() As Byte, Orientation As Integer, Optional Colorused As Long = 0) Dim hdc As Long With bm8.bmiHeader .Size = Len(bm8.bmiHeader) .Width = m_width .Height = IIf(Orientation = 0, m_height, -m_height) .Planes = 1 .BitCount = 8 .Compression = 0& .SizeImage = 0 .XPelsPerMeter = 0 .YPelsPerMeter = 0 .ClrUsed = Colorused .ClrImportant = 0 End With hdc = GetDC(0) hBmp = CreateDIBitmap_8(hdc, bm8.bmiHeader, &H4, BitmapArray(0), bm8, 0) End Sub Private Sub DrawBitmap() '繪製位圖 Dim cDC As Long If hBmp Then cDC = CreateCompatibleDC(m_PicBox.hdc) SelectObject cDC, hBmp Call StretchBlt(m_PicBox.hdc, m_Bgx, m_Bgy, m_width * m_multiple, m_height * m_multiple, cDC, 0, 0, m_width, m_height, vbSrcCopy) DeleteDC cDC DeleteObject hBmp hBmp = 0 End If m_PicBox.Picture = m_PicBox.Image End Sub '根據BitmapArray()創建一箇與設備無關位圖 Private Sub CreateBitmap_24(ByteArray() As Byte, Orientation As Integer, Optional ThreeToOrToFour As Integer = 0) Dim hdc As Long Dim Bits() As RGBQUAD Dim BitsA() As RGBTriple Select Case ThreeToOrToFour Case 0 ReDim Bits((UBound(ByteArray) / 4) - 1) CopyMemory Bits(0), ByteArray(0), UBound(ByteArray) With bm24.bmiHeader .Size = Len(bm24.bmiHeader) .Width = m_width '位圖寬 .Height = IIf(Orientation = 0, m_height, -m_height) '位圖高 .BitCount = 32 '32位色深 .Planes = 1 '位麵闆 .Compression = 0& '不壓縮 .SizeImage = 0 .XPelsPerMeter = 0 .YPelsPerMeter = 0 .ClrUsed = 0 .ClrImportant = 0 End With Case 1 ReDim BitsA((UBound(ByteArray) / 3) - 1) CopyMemory BitsA(0), ByteArray(0), UBound(ByteArray) With bm24a.bmiHeader .Size = Len(bm24.bmiHeader) .Width = m_width .Height = IIf(Orientation = 0, m_height, -m_height) .BitCount = 24 .Planes = 1 .Compression = 0& .SizeImage = 0 .XPelsPerMeter = 0 .YPelsPerMeter = 0 .ClrUsed = 0 .ClrImportant = 0 End With End Select hdc = GetDC(0) Select Case ThreeToOrToFour Case 0: hBmp = CreateDIBitmap_24(hdc, bm24.bmiHeader, &H4, Bits(0), bm24, 0) Case 1: hBmp = CreateDIBitmap_24a(hdc, bm24a.bmiHeader, &H4, BitsA(0), bm24a, 0) End Select End Sub Private Function InitColorTable_Grey(BitDepth As Long, Optional To8Bit As Boolean = False) As Byte() Dim CurLevel As Integer, Tergabe() As Byte, n As Long, LevelDiff As Byte Dim Tbl() As RGBQUAD, Table3() As RGBTriple Erase bm8.bmiColors If BitDepth <> 16 Then ReDim Tbl(2 ^ BitDepth - 1), Table3(2 ^ BitDepth - 1) Else ReDim Tbl(255), Table3(255) End If LevelDiff = 255 / UBound(Tbl) For n = 0 To UBound(Tbl) With Tbl(n) .rgbRed = CurLevel .rgbGreen = CurLevel .rgbBlue = CurLevel End With With Table3(n) .Red = CurLevel .Green = CurLevel .Blue = CurLevel End With CurLevel = CurLevel + LevelDiff Next n Select Case BitDepth Case 1 If To8Bit = True Then CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(bm8.bmiColors(0).rgbBlue), ByVal VarPtr(Tbl(0).rgbBlue), 8 End If Case 2 CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(bm8.bmiColors(0).rgbBlue), ByVal VarPtr(Tbl(0).rgbBlue), 16 Case 4 If To8Bit = True Then CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(bm8.bmiColors(0).rgbBlue), ByVal VarPtr(Tbl(0).rgbBlue), 64 Else CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(bm4.bmiColors(0).rgbBlue), ByVal VarPtr(Tbl(0).rgbBlue), 64 End If Case 8 CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(bm8.bmiColors(0).rgbBlue), ByVal VarPtr(Tbl(0).rgbBlue), 1024 End Select ReDim Tergabe(((UBound(Table3) + 1) * 3) - 1) CopyMemory Tergabe(0), ByVal VarPtr(Table3(0).Red), ((UBound(Table3) + 1) * 3) InitColorTable_Grey = Tergabe End Function
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聯繫人: | 王先生 |
Email: | 18449932@qq.com |
QQ: | 18449932 |
微博: | officecn01 |