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Access文件編碼轉換模塊(適閤Access,VB6,Excel VBA)- Ansi碼轉UTF-8格式

2017-07-26 17:38:00

Access文件編碼轉換模塊(適閤Access,VB6,Excel VBA),支持對Ansi,UTF-8,Unicode(little endian),Unicode big endian編碼之間進行轉換。

最簡單的應用是可以將 Ansi碼的文本文件或CSV文件轉換爲UTF-8 或Unicode編碼的文本文件或CSV文件

由於Access 使用 Open file for output 隻能處理 Ansi的格式文件,通過以下這些模塊函數,可以處理UTF-8 及Unicode的文件格式

Option Explicit
Private Declare Function MultiByteToWideChar Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal CodePage As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal lpMultiByteStr As String, ByVal cchMultiByte As Long, ByVal lpWideCharStr As String, ByVal cchWideChar As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function WideCharToMultiByte Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal CodePage As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal lpWideCharStr As Long, ByVal cchWideChar As Long, ByRef lpMultiByteStr As Any, ByVal cchMultiByte As Long, ByVal lpDefaultChar As String, ByVal lpUsedDefaultChar As Long) As Long
Private Const CP_ACP As Long = 0
Private Const CP_UTF8 As Long = 65001

'Ansi純文本文件轉換爲Unicode(Little Endian)文本文件
Private Function AnsiToULE(ByVal Inputansifile As String, ByVal OutputULEfile As String) As Boolean
        Dim Filebyte() As Byte, sAnsi As String, retLen As Long, FileNumber As Long
        Dim sUnicodeBuffer As String
        On Error Resume Next
        FileNumber = FreeFile
        If Dir(Inputansifile) = "" Then AnsiToULE = False: Exit Function
        Open Inputansifile For Binary As #FileNumber
        ReDim Filebyte(LOF(FileNumber) - 1)
        Get #FileNumber, , Filebyte
        Close #FileNumber
        sAnsi = StrConv(Filebyte, vbUnicode) '轉換爲VB6可顯示的字符串
        retLen = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, sAnsi, LenB(sAnsi), vbNullChar, 0) '取得轉換後需要的空間大小retLen
        sUnicodeBuffer = String$(LenB(sAnsi), vbNullChar)  '設置緩衝區大小
        If retLen > 0 Then
           retLen = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, sAnsi, LenB(sAnsi), sUnicodeBuffer, retLen) '開始轉換
           AnsiToULE = False: Exit Function
        End If
        '保存爲Unicode(Little Endian)文本文件OutputULEfile
        If retLen > 0 Then
           FileNumber = FreeFile
           If Dir(OutputULEfile) <> "" Then Kill (OutputULEfile)
           Open OutputULEfile For Binary As #FileNumber
           Put #FileNumber, , &HFEFF '加上Unicode(Little Endian)文件頭BOM標誌FFFE
           Put #FileNumber, , sUnicodeBuffer '保存文件內容
           Close #FileNumber
           AnsiToULE = True
           AnsiToULE = False: Exit Function
        End If
End Function

'Ansi純文本文件轉換爲Unicode Big Endian文本文件
Private Function AnsiToUBE(ByVal Inputansifile As String, ByVal OutputUBEfile As String) As Boolean
        Dim Filebyte() As Byte, Fbyte() As Byte
        Dim sAnsi As String, retLen As Long, FileNumber As Long
        Dim sUnicodeBuffer As String
        Dim i As Long
        On Error Resume Next
        FileNumber = FreeFile
        If Dir(Inputansifile) = "" Then AnsiToUBE = False: Exit Function
        Open Inputansifile For Binary As #FileNumber
        ReDim Filebyte(LOF(FileNumber) - 1)
        Get #FileNumber, , Filebyte
        Close #FileNumber
        sAnsi = StrConv(Filebyte, vbUnicode) '轉換爲VB6可顯示的字符串
        retLen = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, sAnsi, LenB(sAnsi), vbNullChar, 0) '取得轉換後需要的空間大小retLen
        sUnicodeBuffer = String$(LenB(sAnsi), vbNullChar)  '設置緩衝區大小
        If retLen > 0 Then
           retLen = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, sAnsi, LenB(sAnsi), sUnicodeBuffer, retLen) '開始轉換
           AnsiToUBE = False: Exit Function
        End If
        '保存爲Unicode Big Endian文本文件OutputUBEfile
        If retLen > 0 Then
           ReDim Filebyte(LenB(sAnsi) - 1), Fbyte(LenB(sAnsi) - 1)
           Filebyte = StrConv(sUnicodeBuffer, vbFromUnicode)
           For i = 0 To UBound(Filebyte)
               If i Mod 2 = 0 Then
                  Fbyte(i) = Filebyte(i + 1)
                  Fbyte(i) = Filebyte(i - 1)
               End If
           FileNumber = FreeFile
           If Dir(OutputUBEfile) <> "" Then Kill (OutputUBEfile)
           Open OutputUBEfile For Binary As #FileNumber
           Put #FileNumber, , &HFFFE '加上Unicode(Big Endian)文件頭BOM標誌FEFF
           Put #FileNumber, , Fbyte ' sUnicodeBuffer   '保存文件內容
           Close #FileNumber
           AnsiToUBE = True
           AnsiToUBE = False: Exit Function
        End If
End Function

Private Function AnsiToUTF8(ByVal Inputansifile As String, ByVal OutputUTF8file As String) As Boolean
        Dim Filebyte() As Byte ', Fbyte() As Byte
        Dim sAnsi As String, retLen As Long, FileNumber As Long
        Dim sUTF8Buffer() As Byte, S As String
        On Error Resume Next
        FileNumber = FreeFile
        If Dir(Inputansifile) = "" Then AnsiToUTF8 = False: Exit Function
        Open Inputansifile For Binary As #FileNumber
        ReDim Filebyte(LOF(FileNumber) - 1)
        Get #FileNumber, , Filebyte
        Close #FileNumber
        S = Filebyte
        sAnsi = StrConv(S, vbUnicode)  '轉換爲VB6可顯示的字符串
        retLen = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, StrPtr(sAnsi), -1, vbNullString, 0, vbNullString, 0) '取得轉換後需要的空間大小retLen
        If retLen > 0 Then
           ReDim sUTF8Buffer(retLen - 1) ' = String$(retLen, vbNullChar) '設置緩衝區大小
           retLen = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, StrPtr(sAnsi), -1, sUTF8Buffer(0), retLen, vbNullString, 0) '開始轉換
           AnsiToUTF8 = False: Exit Function
        End If
        If retLen > 0 Then
           ReDim Preserve sUTF8Buffer(retLen - 1)
           S = StrConv(sUTF8Buffer, vbUnicode)
           FileNumber = FreeFile
           If Dir(OutputUTF8file) <> "" Then Kill (OutputUTF8file)
           Open OutputUTF8file For Binary As #FileNumber
           Put #FileNumber, , &HBFBBEF '加上UTF-8文件頭BOM標誌EFBBBF
           Put #FileNumber, 4, S '保存文件內容
           Close #FileNumber
           AnsiToUTF8 = True
           AnsiToUTF8 = False: Exit Function
        End If
End Function

'UTF-8文本文件轉換爲Unicode(Little Endian)文本文件
Private Function UTF8ToULE(ByVal InputUTF8file As String, ByVal OutputULEfile As String) As Boolean
        Dim Filebyte() As Byte ', Fbyte() As Byte
        Dim sAnsi As String, retLen As Long, FileNumber As Long
        Dim sUTF8Buffer As String, S As String
        On Error Resume Next
        FileNumber = FreeFile
        If Dir(InputUTF8file) = "" Then UTF8ToULE = False: Exit Function
        Open InputUTF8file For Binary As #FileNumber
        ReDim Filebyte(LOF(FileNumber) - 1)
        Get #FileNumber, , Filebyte
        Close #FileNumber
        If Hex$(Filebyte(0)) = "EF" And Hex$(Filebyte(1)) = "BB" And Hex$(Filebyte(2)) = "BF" Then
           S = Filebyte
           MsgBox (InputUTF8file & " 爲非UTF-8編碼格式文件!")
           UTF8ToULE = False: Exit Function
        End If
        sAnsi = StrConv(S, vbUnicode) '轉換爲VB6可顯示的字符串
        retLen = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, sAnsi, -1, vbNullChar, 0) '取得轉換後需要的空間大小retLen
        If retLen > 0 Then
           sUTF8Buffer = String$(retLen * 2, vbNullChar)  '設置緩衝區大小
           retLen = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, sAnsi, -1, sUTF8Buffer, retLen * 2)  '開始轉換
           UTF8ToULE = False: Exit Function
        End If
        '保存爲Unicode(Little Endian)文本文件OutputULEfile
        If retLen > 0 Then
           S = Left$(sUTF8Buffer, retLen * 2)
           FileNumber = FreeFile
           If Dir(OutputULEfile) <> "" Then Kill (OutputULEfile)
           Open OutputULEfile For Binary As #FileNumber
           Put #FileNumber, , S '保存文件內容,程序自動加上瞭Unicode(Little Endian)文件頭BOM標誌FFFE
           Close #FileNumber
           UTF8ToULE = True
           UTF8ToULE = False: Exit Function
        End If
End Function

'UTF-8文本文件轉換爲Unicode(Big Endian)文本文件
Private Function UTF8ToUBE(ByVal InputUTF8file As String, ByVal OutputUBEfile As String) As Boolean
        Dim Filebyte() As Byte, Fbyte() As Byte
        Dim sAnsi As String, retLen As Long, FileNumber As Long
        Dim sUTF8Buffer As String, S As String
        Dim i As Long
        On Error Resume Next
        FileNumber = FreeFile
        If Dir(InputUTF8file) = "" Then UTF8ToUBE = False: Exit Function
        Open InputUTF8file For Binary As #FileNumber
        ReDim Filebyte(LOF(FileNumber) - 1)
        Get #FileNumber, , Filebyte
        Close #FileNumber
        If Hex$(Filebyte(0)) = "EF" And Hex$(Filebyte(1)) = "BB" And Hex$(Filebyte(2)) = "BF" Then
           S = Filebyte
           MsgBox (InputUTF8file & " 爲非UTF-8編碼格式文件!")
           UTF8ToUBE = False: Exit Function
        End If
        sAnsi = StrConv(S, vbUnicode) '轉換爲VB6可顯示的字符串
        retLen = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, sAnsi, -1, vbNullString, 0) '取得轉換後需要的空間大小retLen
        If retLen > 0 Then
           sUTF8Buffer = String$(retLen * 2, vbNullChar)  '設置緩衝區大小
           retLen = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, sAnsi, -1, sUTF8Buffer, retLen * 2)  '開始轉換
           UTF8ToUBE = False: Exit Function
        End If
        '保存爲Unicode Big Endian文本文件OutputUBEfile
        If retLen > 0 Then
           ReDim Filebyte(LenB(sAnsi) - 1), Fbyte(LenB(sAnsi) - 1)
           Filebyte = StrConv(Left$(sUTF8Buffer, retLen * 2), vbFromUnicode)
           For i = 0 To UBound(Filebyte)
               If i Mod 2 = 0 Then
                  Fbyte(i) = Filebyte(i + 1)
                  Fbyte(i) = Filebyte(i - 1)
               End If
           FileNumber = FreeFile
           If Dir(OutputUBEfile) <> "" Then Kill (OutputUBEfile)
           Open OutputUBEfile For Binary As #FileNumber
           Put #FileNumber, , Fbyte '保存文件內容,程序自動加上瞭Unicode(Big Endian)文件頭BOM標誌FEFF
           Close #FileNumber
           UTF8ToUBE = True
           UTF8ToUBE = False: Exit Function
        End If
End Function

Private Function UTF8ToAnsi(ByVal InputUTF8file As String, ByVal OutputAnsifile As String) As Boolean
        Dim Filebyte() As Byte ', Fbyte() As Byte
        Dim sAnsi As String, retLen As Long, FileNumber As Long
        Dim sUTF8Buffer As String, S As String
        'Dim i As Long
        On Error Resume Next
        FileNumber = FreeFile
        If Dir(InputUTF8file) = "" Then UTF8ToAnsi = False: Exit Function
        Open InputUTF8file For Binary As #FileNumber
        ReDim Filebyte(LOF(FileNumber) - 1)
        Get #FileNumber, , Filebyte
        Close #FileNumber
        If Hex$(Filebyte(0)) = "EF" And Hex$(Filebyte(1)) = "BB" And Hex$(Filebyte(2)) = "BF" Then
           S = Filebyte
           MsgBox (InputUTF8file & " 爲非UTF-8編碼格式文件!")
           UTF8ToAnsi = False: Exit Function
        End If
        sAnsi = StrConv(S, vbUnicode) '轉換爲VB6可顯示的字符串
        retLen = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, sAnsi, -1, vbNullString, 0) '取得轉換後需要的空間大小retLen
        If retLen > 0 Then
           sUTF8Buffer = String$(retLen * 2, vbNullChar) '設置緩衝區大小
           retLen = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, sAnsi, -1, sUTF8Buffer, retLen * 2) '開始轉換
           UTF8ToAnsi = False: Exit Function
        End If
        If retLen > 0 Then
           S = Left$(sUTF8Buffer, retLen * 2)
           S = StrConv(S, vbFromUnicode)
           Mid$(S, 1, 1) = " ": S = Trim(S)
           FileNumber = FreeFile
           If Dir(OutputAnsifile) <> "" Then Kill (OutputAnsifile)
           Open OutputAnsifile For Binary As #FileNumber
           Put #FileNumber, , S '保存文件內容
           Close #FileNumber
           UTF8ToAnsi = True
           UTF8ToAnsi = False: Exit Function
        End If
End Function

'Unicode(Little Endian)文本文件轉換爲Ansi純文本文件
Private Function ULEToAnsi(ByVal InputULEfile As String, ByVal OutputAnsifile As String) As Boolean
        Dim Filebyte() As Byte ', Fbyte() As Byte
        Dim sAnsi As String, retLen As Long, FileNumber As Long
        Dim sUnicodeBuffer() As Byte, S As String
        'Dim i As Long
        On Error Resume Next
        '打開Unicode(Little Endian)文本文件InputULEfile
        FileNumber = FreeFile
        If Dir(InputULEfile) = "" Then ULEToAnsi = False: Exit Function
        Open InputULEfile For Binary As #FileNumber
        ReDim Filebyte(LOF(FileNumber) - 1)
        Get #FileNumber, , Filebyte
        Close #FileNumber
        If Hex$(Filebyte(0)) = "FF" And Hex$(Filebyte(1)) = "FE" Then
           S = Filebyte
           MsgBox (InputULEfile & " 爲非Unicode(Little Endian)編碼格式文件!")
           ULEToAnsi = False: Exit Function
        End If
        sAnsi = StrConv(S, vbNarrow)  '轉換爲VB6可顯示的字符串
        sAnsi = S
        retLen = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, StrPtr(sAnsi), -1, vbNullString, 0, vbNullString, 0) '取得轉換後需要的空間大小retLen
        If retLen > 0 Then
           ReDim sUnicodeBuffer(retLen * 2 - 1) ' String$(retLen * 2, vbNullChar)'設置緩衝區大小
           retLen = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, StrPtr(sAnsi), -1, sUnicodeBuffer(0), retLen * 2, vbNullString, 0) '開始轉換
           ULEToAnsi = False: Exit Function
        End If
        If retLen > 0 Then
           ReDim Preserve sUnicodeBuffer(retLen - 1)
           S = StrConv(sUnicodeBuffer, vbUnicode)
           Mid$(S, 1, 1) = " ": S = Trim(S)
           FileNumber = FreeFile
           If Dir(OutputAnsifile) <> "" Then Kill (OutputAnsifile)
           Open OutputAnsifile For Binary As #FileNumber
           Put #FileNumber, , S '保存文件內容
           Close #FileNumber
           ULEToAnsi = True
           ULEToAnsi = False: Exit Function
        End If
End Function

'Unicode(Little Endian)文本文件轉換爲Unicode Big Endian文本文件。
'Unicode Big Endian文本文件轉換爲Unicode(Little Endian)文本文件,
'隻鬚將Hex$(Filebyte(0)) = "FF" And Hex$(Filebyte(1)) = "FE"改爲
'Hex$(Filebyte(0)) = "FE" And Hex$(Filebyte(1)) = "FF"卽可。
Private Function ULEToUBE(ByVal InputULEfile As String, ByVal OutputUBEfile As String) As Boolean
        Dim Filebyte() As Byte, Fbyte() As Byte
        'Dim sAnsi As String, retLen As Long
        'Dim sUnicodeBuffer() As Byte, S As String
        Dim i As Long, FileNumber As Long
        On Error Resume Next
        '打開Unicode(Little Endian)文本文件InputULEfile
        FileNumber = FreeFile
        If Dir(InputULEfile) = "" Then ULEToUBE = False: Exit Function
        Open InputULEfile For Binary As #FileNumber
        ReDim Filebyte(LOF(FileNumber) - 1), Fbyte(LOF(FileNumber) - 1)
        Get #FileNumber, , Filebyte
        Close #FileNumber
        If Hex$(Filebyte(0)) = "FF" And Hex$(Filebyte(1)) = "FE" Then
           'Unicode(Little Endian)編碼格式文件
           MsgBox (InputULEfile & " 爲非Unicode(Little Endian)編碼格式文件!")
           ULEToUBE = False: Exit Function
        End If
        For i = 0 To UBound(Filebyte)
            If i Mod 2 = 0 Then
               Fbyte(i) = Filebyte(i + 1)
               Fbyte(i) = Filebyte(i - 1)
            End If
        '保存爲Unicode Big Endian文本文件OutputUBEfile
        FileNumber = FreeFile
        If Dir(OutputUBEfile) <> "" Then Kill (OutputUBEfile)
        Open OutputUBEfile For Binary As #FileNumber
        Put #FileNumber, , Fbyte '保存文件內容
        Close #FileNumber
End Function

'Unicode(Little Endian)文本文件轉換爲UTF-8文本文件
Private Function ULEToUTF8(ByVal InputULEfile As String, ByVal OutputUTF8file As String) As Boolean
        Dim Filebyte() As Byte ', Fbyte() As Byte
        Dim sAnsi As String, retLen As Long, FileNumber As Long
        Dim sUTF8Buffer() As Byte, S As String
        On Error Resume Next
        '打開Unicode(Little Endian)文本文件InputULEfile
        FileNumber = FreeFile
        If Dir(InputULEfile) = "" Then ULEToUTF8 = False: Exit Function
        Open InputULEfile For Binary As #FileNumber
        ReDim Filebyte(LOF(FileNumber) - 1)
        Get #FileNumber, , Filebyte
        Close #FileNumber
        If Hex$(Filebyte(0)) = "FF" And Hex$(Filebyte(1)) = "FE" Then
           S = Filebyte
           MsgBox (InputULEfile & " 爲非Unicode(Little Endian)編碼格式文件!")
           ULEToUTF8 = False: Exit Function
        End If
        sAnsi = StrConv(S, vbNarrow)  '轉換爲VB6可顯示的字符串
        Mid$(sAnsi, 1, 1) = " ": sAnsi = Trim(sAnsi)
        retLen = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, StrPtr(sAnsi), -1, vbNullString, 0, vbNullString, 0) '取得轉換後需要的空間大小retLen
        If retLen > 0 Then
           ReDim sUTF8Buffer(retLen - 1) ' = String$(retLen, vbNullChar) '設置緩衝區大小
           retLen = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, StrPtr(sAnsi), -1, sUTF8Buffer(0), retLen, vbNullString, 0) '開始轉換
           ULEToUTF8 = False: Exit Function
        End If
        If retLen > 0 Then
           ReDim Preserve sUTF8Buffer(retLen - 1)
           S = StrConv(sUTF8Buffer, vbUnicode)
           FileNumber = FreeFile
           If Dir(OutputUTF8file) <> "" Then Kill (OutputUTF8file)
           Open OutputUTF8file For Binary As #FileNumber
           Put #FileNumber, , &HBFBBEF '加上UTF-8文件頭BOM標誌EFBBBF
           Put #FileNumber, 4, S '保存文件內容
           Close #FileNumber
           ULEToUTF8 = True
           ULEToUTF8 = False: Exit Function
        End If
End Function

Private Sub Command1_Click()
        'Ansi純文本文件轉換爲Unicode(Little Endian)文本文件
        Call AnsiToULE("d:\AnsiCodeFile.txt", "d:\AnsiToUnicodeLEFile.txt")
        'Ansi純文本文件轉換爲Unicode(Big Endian)文本文件
        Call AnsiToUBE("d:\AnsiCodeFile.txt", "d:\AnsiToUnicodeBEFile.txt")
        Call AnsiToUTF8("d:\AnsiCodeFile.txt", "d:\AnsiToUTF8File.txt")
        'UTF-8文本文件轉換爲Unicode(Little Endian)文本文件
        Call UTF8ToULE("d:\AnsiToUTF8File.txt", "d:\UTF8ToUnicodeLEFile.txt")
        'UTF-8文本文件轉換爲Unicode Big Endian文本文件
        Call UTF8ToUBE("d:\AnsiToUTF8File.txt", "d:\UTF8ToUnicodeBEFile.txt")
        Call UTF8ToAnsi("d:\AnsiToUTF8File.txt", "d:\UTF8ToAnsiFile.txt")
        'Unicode(Little Endian)文本文件轉換爲Ansi純文本文件
        Call ULEToAnsi("d:\AnsiToUnicodeLEFile.txt", "d:\UnicodeLEToAnsiFile.txt")
        'Unicode(Little Endian)文本文件轉換爲Unicode Big Endian文本文件
        Call ULEToUBE("d:\AnsiToUnicodeLEFile.txt", "d:\UnicodeLEToUnicodeBEFile.txt")
        'Unicode(Little Endian)文本文件轉換爲UTF-8文本文件
        Call ULEToUTF8("d:\AnsiToUnicodeLEFile.txt", "d:\UnicodeLEToUTF8File.txt")
End Sub