- 2019-10-14 15:30:00
- Allen Browne 翻譯
- 4423
下麵分享一箇名爲EAvg()函數,該函數是DAvg函數的擴展,可以從該字段中穫取TOP(或百分比)的平均值。 甚至可以指定其他字段進行排序
Public Function EAvg(strExpr As String, strDomain As String, Optional strCriteria As String, _ Optional dblTop As Double, Optional strOrderBy As String) As Variant On Error GoTo Err_Error 'Purpose: Extended replacement for DAvg(). 'Author: Allen Browne (, November 2006. 'Requires: Access 2000 and later. 'Return: Average of the field in the domain. Null on error. 'Arguments: strExpr = the field name to average. ' strDomain = the table or query to use. ' strCriteria = WHERE clause limiting the records. ' dblTop = TOP number of records to average. Ignored if zero or negative. ' Treated as a percent if less than 1. ' strOrderBy = ORDER BY clause. 'Note: The ORDER BY clause defaults to the expression field DESC if none is provided. ' However, if there is a tie, Access returns more than the TOP number specified, ' unless you include the primary key in the ORDER BY clause. See example below. 'Example: Return the average of the 4 highest quantities in tblInvoiceDetail: ' EAvg("Quantity", "tblInvoiceDetail",,4, "Quantity DESC, InvoiceDetailID") Dim rs As DAO.Recordset Dim strSql As String Dim lngTopAsPercent As Long EAvg = Null 'Initialize to null. lngTopAsPercent = 100# * dblTop If lngTopAsPercent > 0& Then 'There is a TOP predicate If lngTopAsPercent < 100& Then 'Less than 1, so treat as percent. strSql = "SELECT Avg(" & strExpr & ") AS TheAverage " & vbCrLf & _ "FROM (SELECT TOP " & lngTopAsPercent & " PERCENT " & strExpr Else 'More than 1, so treat as count. strSql = "SELECT Avg(" & strExpr & ") AS TheAverage " & vbCrLf & _ "FROM (SELECT TOP " & CLng(dblTop) & " " & strExpr End If strSql = strSql & " " & vbCrLf & " FROM " & strDomain & " " & vbCrLf & _ " WHERE (" & strExpr & " Is Not Null)" If strCriteria <> vbNullString Then strSql = strSql & vbCrLf & " AND (" & strCriteria & ") " End If If strOrderBy <> vbNullString Then strSql = strSql & vbCrLf & " ORDER BY " & strOrderBy & ") AS MySubquery;" Else strSql = strSql & vbCrLf & " ORDER BY " & strExpr & " DESC) AS MySubquery;" End If Else 'There is no TOP predicate (so we also ignore any ORDER BY.) strSql = "SELECT Avg(" & strExpr & ") AS TheAverage " & vbCrLf & _ "FROM " & strDomain & " " & vbCrLf & "WHERE (" & strExpr & " Is Not Null)" If strCriteria <> vbNullString Then strSql = strSql & vbCrLf & " AND (" & strCriteria & ")" End If strSql = strSql & ";" End If Set rs = DBEngine(0)(0).OpenRecordset(strSql) If rs.RecordCount > 0& Then EAvg = rs!TheAverage End If rs.Close Exit_Handler: Set rs = Nothing Exit Function Err_Error: MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, , "EAvg()" Resume Exit_Handler End Function
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QQ: | 18449932 |
微博: | officecn01 |