- 2002-06-22 15:58:00
- 田野-Office交流网 原创
- 6171
罗斯文中用的 .HLP 帮助文件,开发版代码库中有调用 .CHM 的完整代码。
Function ShowHelpAPI() As Boolean ' This procedure is used by the Show Me button on various Developer ' Solutions toolbars. It uses the WinHelp API function so that the ' Show Me Help button will provide context-sensitive Help regardless ' of the current state of the object. Make sure that the Help file is ' in the same directory as the Developer Solutions database. Dim lnghWnd As Long, strHelpFile As String, lngContext As Long Dim lngRetVal As Long, obj As Object On Error Resume Next Const conHelpContext = &H1 Set obj = Screen.ActiveForm If Err = 2475 Then ' Active object is not a form. ' Reset Err and test for Report object. Err = 0 Set obj = Screen.ActiveReport If Err = 2476 Then ' Current object is not a form or a report. MsgBox "Select a form or report before you ask for help." ShowHelpAPI = False Exit Function End If End If With obj ' Get the current object's hWnd, HelpFile, and HelpContextID properties. lnghWnd = .hWnd strHelpFile = .HelpFile lngContext = .HelpContextId End With lngRetVal = WinHelp(lnghWnd, strHelpFile, conHelpContext, lngContext) ShowHelpAPI = True End Function
Declare Function WinHelp Lib "user32" Alias "WinHelpA" (ByVal Hwnd As Long, _ ByVal lpHelpFile As String, ByVal wCommand As Long, _ ByVal dwData As Any) Function ShowHelpAPI() As Boolean ' This procedure is used by the Show Me button on various Developer ' Solutions toolbars. It uses the WinHelp API function so that the ' Show Me Help button will provide context-sensitive Help regardless ' of the current state of the object. Make sure that the Help file is ' in the same directory as the Developer Solutions database. Dim lnghWnd As Long, strHelpFile As String, lngContext As Long Dim lngRetVal As Long, obj As Object On Error Resume Next Const conHelpContext = &H1 Set obj = Screen.ActiveForm If Err = 2475 Then ' Active object is not a form. ' Reset Err and test for Report object. Err = 0 Set obj = Screen.ActiveReport If Err = 2476 Then ' Current object is not a form or a report. MsgBox "Select a form or report before you ask for help." ShowHelpAPI = False Exit Function End If End If With obj ' Get the current object's hWnd, HelpFile, and HelpContextID properties. lnghWnd = .hWnd strHelpFile = .HelpFile lngContext = .HelpContextId End With lngRetVal = WinHelp(lnghWnd, strHelpFile, conHelpContext, lngContext) ShowHelpAPI = True End Function
没你的提示,我一时还找不到:), 再说, 你的正确些啦,我还没加定义啦
Sub AddHelpMenu() Dim cbrBar As CommandBar Dim ctlCBarControl As CommandBarControl ' Set a reference to the Help menu. Set cbrBar = CommandBars!Help ' If the My Help command already exists, delete it. For Each ctlCBarControl In cbrBar.Controls If ctlCBarControl.Caption = "&My Help" Then cbrBar.Controls("My Help").Delete End If Next ' Create a new CommandBarControl object on the Help menu ' and add a reference to it. Set ctlCBarControl = cbrBar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton) ' Set properties of the new command to display context-sensitive ' pop-up help. Set OnAction to call DisplayHelp procedure to display ' a help topic when clicked. With ctlCBarControl .Caption = "&My Help" .BeginGroup = True .FaceId = 0 .OnAction = "DisplayHelpXL" .HelpFile = "sample.chm" .HelpContextID = 1000 .Visible = True End With End Sub
Sub DisplayHelpXL() Application.Help Currentproject.Path & "\sample.chm", 2001 End Sub Declare Function HtmlHelp Lib "hhctrl.ocx" Alias "HtmlHelpA" _ (ByVal hwndCaller As Long, _ ByVal pszFile As String, _ ByVal uCommand As HH_COMMAND, _ dwData As Any) As Long
够,够,我 GO,GO,开溜!:)
在VB中调用CHM 帮助的几种方法
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QQ: | 18449932 |
微博: | officecn01 |