VBA及VB三种不同压缩解压组件/控件的性能对比报告(zlib.dll,info-zip,xceed zip)
- 2017-09-08 22:38:00
- 百度知道 转贴
- 4680
VB Access Excel本身没有自己的压缩和解压缩函数和组件,必须依赖于第三方的控件或动态链接库,以下是三种不同压缩组件的性能对比详细报告
1、 使用zlib 软件公司的zlib.dll动态链接库组件进行内存解压
2、 使用info-zip软件公司的vbuzip10.dll(也就是unzip32.dll)动态链接库组件进行内存解压
3、 使用xceed软件公司的xceed zip compression library V5.0版本的xceedzip.dll动态链接库组件进行内存解压
软件名称 第一次 第二次 第三次 平均时间
vbuzip10.dll: 1734 1703 1672 1703
xceedzip.dll: 9562 4313 4453 6109.3
zlib.dll: 2594 2563 2562 2573
Private Declare Function unzOpen Lib "ZLIB.DLL" (ByVal FilePath As String) As Long
Private Declare Function unzClose Lib "ZLIB.DLL" (ByVal hFile As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function unzGetGlobalInfo Lib "ZLIB.DLL" (ByVal hFile As Long, ByRef pglobal_info As unz_global_info) As Long
Private Declare Function unzGetCurrentFileInfo Lib "ZLIB.DLL" (ByVal hFile As Long, ByRef pfile_info As unz_file_info, ByVal szFileName As String, ByVal fileNameBufferSize As Long, ByRef extraField As Long, ByVal extraFieldBufferSize As Long, ByVal szComment As String, ByVal commentBufferSize As String) As Long
Private Declare Function unzOpenCurrentFile Lib "ZLIB.DLL" (ByVal hFile As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function unzCloseCurrentFile Lib "ZLIB.DLL" (ByVal hFile As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function unzReadCurrentFile Lib "ZLIB.DLL" (ByVal hFile As Long, ByRef Buffer As Byte, ByVal BuffLen As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function unzGoToNextFile Lib "ZLIB.DLL" (ByVal hFile As Long) As Long
Dim zipfilename As String, str_tmp As String, filenameinzip As String
zipfilename = "q-20151010-1406-0000-4.zip"
filenameinzip = "q-20151010-pfsjnl.bin"
str_tmp = UnZipToMemory(zipfilename, filenameinzip)
Public Declare Function Wiz_UnzipToMemory Lib "vbuzip10.dll" (ByVal zip As String, ByVal file As String, ByRef lpUserFunc As LPUSERFUNCTIONS, ByRef retstr As UzpBuffer) As Long
Public Declare Sub UzpFreeMemBuffer Lib "vbuzip10.dll" (ByRef retstr As UzpBuffer)
Public Type UzpBuffer
strlength As Long
Buffer As String
End Type
Private Type UNZIPCBChar
ch(32800) As Byte
End Type
Private Type UNZIPCBCh
ch(256) As Byte
End Type
printwq As Long 'DLLPRNT * = a pointer to the application's print routine.
sound As Long 'DLLSND * = a pointer to the application's sound routine. This
' can be NULL if your application doesn't use sound.
replace As Long 'DLLREPLACE * = a pointer to the application's replace routine.
password As Long 'DLLPASSWORD * = a pointer to the application's password routine.
SendApplicationMessage As Long 'DLLMESSAGE * = a pointer to the application's routine
'for displaying information about specific files
'in the archive. Used for listing the contents of an archive.
ServCallBk As Long 'DLLSERVICE * = Callback function designed to be used for
' allowing the application to process Windows messages,
' or canceling the operation, as well as giving the
' option of a progress indicator. If this function
' returns a non-zero value, then it will terminate
' what it is doing. It provides the application with
' the name of the name of the archive member it has
' just processed, as well as it's original size.
'NOTE: The values below are filled in only when listing the contents of an archive.
TotalSizeComp As Long '= value to be filled in by the dll for the
'compressed total size of the archive. Note this
'value does not include the size of the archive
'header and central directory list.
TotalSize As Long '= value to be filled in by the dll for the total
' size of all files in the archive.
CompFactor As Long '= value to be filled in by the dll for the overall
' compression factor. This could actually be computed
' from the other values, but it is available.
NumMembers As Long '= total number of files in the archive.
cchComment As Integer 'WORD = flag to be set if archive has a comment
End Type
Dim retstr As UzpBuffer, UZUSER As LPUSERFUNCTIONS, long_result As Long, zipfilename As String, filenameinzip As String
UZUSER.printwq = FnPtr(AddressOf UZDLLPrnt)
UZUSER.sound = 0& '-- Not Supported
UZUSER.replace = FnPtr(AddressOf UZDLLRep)
UZUSER.password = FnPtr(AddressOf UZDLLPass)
UZUSER.SendApplicationMessage = FnPtr(AddressOf UZReceiveDLLMessage)
UZUSER.ServCallBk = FnPtr(AddressOf UZDLLServ)
zipfilename = "q-20151010-1406-0000-4.zip"
filenameinzip = "q-20151010-pfsjnl.bin"
long_result = Wiz_UnzipToMemory(zipfilename, filenameinzip, UZUSER, retstr)
6、使用xceedzip.dll组件进行内存解压,比较麻烦,需要先在计算机上运行XceedComponents.exe程序,安装xceed zip compression library V5.0和其它组件,然后在VB设计环境下,在“工程”---“引用”中,引用“xceed zip compression Library V5.0”,在“工程”---“部件”中,将“xceed zip compression Library V5.0”前的复选框选中,这样在VB设计环境下,在工具箱中,就可以看到一个xceedzip工具图标,将该图标加到窗体中,在程序中加入下列语句:
Dim zipfilename As String, filenameinzip As String, REsult_Code1 As xcdError
XceedZip1.zipfilename = zipfilename
XceedZip1.FilesToProcess = filenameinzip
REsult_Code1 = XceedZip1.Unzip
Private Sub XceedZip1_UnzippingMemoryFile(ByVal sFilename As String, vaUncompressedData As Variant, ByVal bEndOfData As Boolean)
filetext = StrConv(vaUncompressedData, vbUnicode)
End Sub
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联系人: | 王先生 |
Email: | 18449932@qq.com |
QQ: | 18449932 |
微博: | officecn01 |