WPS相对于Office不支持的一些功能 方法 属性 事件(逐步更新)
- 2021-01-27 08:00:00
- zstmtony 原创
- 6310
在这几年使用WPS的VBA开发中,发现WPS的VBA接口中有一些功能并未完全实现(tmtony, 先想到一些就列出来
1.activesheet.chartobjects(1).chart.export activeworkbook.Path & "\test3.gif","gif" gif在office支持,但wps不支持。 PNG JPG均支持
但注意Office,需要安装 图形筛选器,否则会提示 图形筛选器无法转换此文件
4.以下代码在wps个人版支持,在Wps政府专业版本中不支持:ChartTitle.Format.TextFrame2.TextRange.Characters(1, 6).ParagraphFormat
Dim chrt As Object
Set chrt = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(1)
With chrt.Chart.ChartTitle.Format.TextFrame2.TextRange.Characters(1, 6).ParagraphFormat
.TextDirection = 1 ' msoTextDirectionLeftToRight
.Alignment = 2 ' msoAlignCenter
End With
MsgBox "10"
With chrt.Chart.ChartTitle.Format.TextFrame2.TextRange.Characters(1, 6).Font
.BaselineOffset = 0
.Bold = -1
MsgBox "11"
.NameComplexScript = "+mn-cs"
.NameFarEast = "+mn-ea"
.Fill.Visible = -1 ' msoTrue
.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(89, 89, 89)
.Fill.Transparency = 0
MsgBox "12"
.Size = 14
.Italic = msoFalse
.Kerning = 12
.Name = "+mn-lt"
.UnderlineStyle = 0 ' msoNoUnderline
MsgBox "13"
.Spacing = 0
.Strike = 0 ' msoNoStrike
End With
chart.export filename, "GIF"
oChart.Export(Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/Graphs/Graph2.gif"), "GIF")
Solution to this problem is in MSI installer to register aspnet account
to resolve your Problem go to c:\windows\system32\msi.dll
view properties
from security tab add aspnet account and give full permission to all
apply your setting
reboot your computer this should solve your problem.
if there is any problem go to event viewer of system and see what hkcu does not have permission. simply give permission to clsid
you may have to run dcomcfg.
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联系人: | 王先生 |
Email: | 18449932@qq.com |
QQ: | 18449932 |
微博: | officecn01 |